
LR-A2000 High speed ink mixer 2kg


1,220 proti, 1.1 Kw, speed and mixing time can be set, the microcomputer control system. Jednoduchá obsluha, snadná údržba

Run force strong, stable operation, strong and durable,Rychlost:0-400r/m

High-speed mixing ink, malovat, mixing effect is more even, save the time of mixing ink, printing effect more perfect.

Mechanical built-in 2 barrels.A barrel capacity: 1-4 kg

Vhodné pro: povlak, malovat, printing ink mixed stirring

LR-A2000 High speed ink mixer 2kg

technické parametry

gross weight110KG
N/G Hmotnost100KG
Flattening Height*Length*Width1000*720*720mm
Vstupní napětí220V 50Hz
kapacita1-4 kg/barrel
Napájení (W)1.1KW

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