
BGD 500 Penguji Adhesi Tarik Digital


Agar bisa tampil dengan memuaskan, pelapis harus melekat pada substrat yang digunakan. Dalam praktek, three different test procedures are used to assess the resistance of paints and coatings to separation from substrates:

Cross-Cut Test

This test method specifies a procedure for assessing the resistance of paints and coatings to separation from substrates when a right angle lattice pattern iscut into the coating, penetrating through to the substrate.

The method may be used for a quick pass/fail test. When applied to a multi-coat system, assessment of the resistance to separation of individual layers of thecoating from each other may be made.


Scrape Adhesion

This test method covers the determination of the adhesion of organic coatings such aspaint, pernis, and lacquer when applied to smooth, datar(planar)panel surface.It has been found useful in providing relative ratings for a series of coated panels exhibiting significant difference in adhesion.

The materials under test are applied at uniform thickness to flat panels, usually sheet metal of uniform surface texture. Setelah kering, the adhesion is determined by pushing the panels beneath a rounded stylus or loop that is loaded with increasing amount of weight until the coating is removed from the substrate surface.

BGD 500 Penguji Adhesi Tarik Digital

Pull-off Test

Adhesion of asingle coating or a multi-coat system of paint, varnish or related products is assessed by measuring the minimum tensile stress necessary to detach or rupture the coating in a direction perpendicular to the substrate. This method maximizes tensile stress as compared to the shear stress applied by other methods such as scratch adhesion and results may not be comparable. The test is performed by securing a loading fixture (dolly) perpendicular to the surface of the coating with an adhesive. Setelah perekatnya sembuh, a testing apparatus is attached to the loading fixture and aligned to apply tension perpendicular to the testsurface. Gaya yang diterapkan secara bertahap ditingkatkan dan dipantau sampai sumbat bahan pelapis terlepas, atau nilai tertentu tercapai.

digital pull-off adhesion tester is a portable, instrumen yang dioperasikan dengan tangan yang digunakan untuk mengukur gaya yang diperlukan untuk menarik diameter uji lapisan tertentu dari substratnya menggunakan tekanan hidrolik. Tekanan ditampilkan pada LCD digital dan menunjukkan kekuatan adhesi lapisan pada substrat.

Ini mengevaluasi adhesi (pull-offstrength) suatu lapisan dengan menentukan gaya tarik tarik terbesar yang dapat ditanggungnya sebelum terlepas. Poin-poin penting, ditunjukkan oleh permukaan yang retak,terjadi sepanjang bidang terlemah dalam sistem yang terdiri dari dolly, perekat,lapisan pelapis dan substrat.

Standar Tes

① ISO 4624 《Paints and varnishes-Pull-offtest for adhesion》

② ASTM D 4541 《StandardTest Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers》

③ ASTM D7234 《Standard Test Method for Pull-OffAdhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers》


BGD 500 Penguji Adhesi Tarik Digital

Parameter Teknis Utama

■ Ukuran Boneka: 20mm(Standar);10mm、14mm、50mm(Opsional)

■ Resolusi: 0.01MPa(1psi)

■ Akurasi: ±1% Skala penuh

■ Maks. Tekanan Tarik:Φ10mm dolly →0-80 MPaΦ14mm dolly→0-40 MPa
Φ20mm dolly→0-20 MPaΦ50mm dolly→0-3.5 MPa

■ Kekuasaan:Baterai lithium isi ulang bawaan, dan adaptor pengisi daya konfigurasi standar.
■ Adhesion Tester Size:360mm×75mm×115mm(L x W x H)

■ Adhesion Tester Weight:3kg

Daftar Pengepakan

① Adhesion Tester with digital display

② Boneka uji aluminium 20 mm(20 buah)

③ Pemotongan tol untuk dolly 20 mm,

④ Perekat 3M dan lem tembak

⑤ Kabel mikro-USB

⑥ Panduan Pengoperasian

⑦ Tas jinjing

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