
DIN53211 Cangkir DIN Portabel 4 Piala Aliran Uji Viskositas Cat


DIN Cup is made in accordance with German Standardization Committee DIN53211 (Deutsches lnnormung), for the determination of ink, cat, paint and other viscosity more convenient viscosimeter.

DIN cups are generally suitable for thin liquids with low viscosity;It is made of high quality aluminum cup with holes in the bottom and a capacity of about 100ml.It is widely used in Europe.

DIN53211 Cangkir DIN Portabel 4 Piala Aliran Uji Viskositas Cat

Parameter teknik:

1. Volume cangkir100±1 ml


2, Nozzle hole diameterHAI 4 + / – 0.02 mm


3. BahanAnodized alumina cup body, internal polished stainless steel nozzle
4. Ldeal measurement range96 ~ 683 cSt


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