
LR-G026 引き剥がし粘着力試験機

P製品 Description

The adhesion of the coating with the substrate can be quantified by the use of the open method, つまり、被膜が基材から特定の領域に及ぼす外力をMpaで表す必要があるということです。.

GB/T規格に準拠したプル式粘着力計です。 5210, ISO 4624 およびASTM D 4541。その測定原理は次のとおりです。: first round forging die by glue and adhesive coating on the surface under test, after a period of maintenance, through measuring instrument installed inside a spring places a lift to the circular forging die.When the circular forging die is pulled off the surface of the coating, the indicator on the scale shows the value of the adhesion of the coating to the substrate.

The instrument is operated by hand and is mainly used for construction site determination, especially in engineering acceptance.The application range includes the detection of deck coatings or spraying, ステンレス鋼, aluminum products or coatings on concrete.

LR-G026 引き剥がし粘着力試験機


材料Anodized aluminum fuselage, steel base
標準構成Pull-type adhesion tester, die (20), Araldite 1 箱, pedestal support ring, magnetic forging die clip, forging die cutter, ratchet wrench (limited to range 3&4), suitcase and operation manual

Order Information

NO-1 Measure Range:0-3.5メガパスカル

NO-2 Measure Range:0-7.0メガパスカル

NO-3 Measure Range:0-15メガパスカル

NO-4 Measure Range:0-22メガパスカル

NO-5 Measure Range:0-0.2メガパスカル

NO-6 Meausre Range:0-3.5Mpa (The concrete is specially coated with the forging die with a diameter of 50mm)



