
BGD 520 Automatic Scratch Test Machine ISO 1518


涂料和油漆可以保护,装饰基材或掩盖基材缺陷, 而这三个函数都与涂层硬度有关. 而硬度是涂料机械强度的重要性能, 也是判断油漆质量的重要指标. 评价涂层硬度的重要指标之一是耐划伤性.
国际标准化组织 1518 《油漆和清漆 — 耐划伤性的测定》规定了在规定条件下测定单层或多涂层涂料体系的耐划伤性的测试方法, 通过用带有指定负载的划痕笔划痕来渗透清漆或相关产品. 触针穿透至基材, 多层涂层系统除外, 在这种情况下,触针可以穿透基材或中间涂层.

This test has been found to be useful in comparing the scratch resistance of different coatings. It is most useful in providing relative ratings for a series of coated panels exhibiting significant differences inscratch resistance.

Before 2011, there is only one standard which is used to evaluate paint scratch resistance,which against to evaluate scientifically to paints scratch resistance under different applications. After revise this standard on 2011, this test method is divided two parts: One is constant-loading, i.e the loading to panels is constant during the scratch test, and the test results is shown as max. weights which don’t damage coatings. The other is variable loading, IE. the loading on which stylus loads test panel is increased continuously from 0 during the whole test, then measure the distance from finial point to the other point when the paint begin to appear scratch. Testing result is shown as critical loads.

As a important member of Chinese Paint & Coating Standard Committee , Biuged is responsible for drafting the relative Chinese standards on the base of ISO1518, and developed scratch testers which conforms the newest ISO1518:2011.

Automatic Scratch Test Machine ISO 1518


◆ Big workingtable can be moved left and right—convenient for measuring different areas in the same panel

◆ Special fixing device forsamplecan test different size substrate

◆ Sound-light Alarm system for puncturing through sample panelmore visual

◆ High hardness material stylusmore durable

Automatic Scratch Test Machine ISO 1518


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符合标准国际标准化组织 1518-1

学士 3900:E2

国际标准化组织 1518-2
Standard needleHemispherical hard metal tip with

radius of (0.50±0.01) 毫米

cutting tip is diamond (diamond), and the tip

is rounded to a radius of (0.03±0.005) 毫米




发动机60220V 50HZ
Sytlus 移动速度(35±5)mm/s(10±2)毫米/秒
最大限度. 面板尺寸200毫米×100毫米
最大限度. 板材厚度小于1毫米小于12毫米
净重17 公斤17.5公斤

