
سالتعامل مع التطبيق :

Used for a variety of textile fabrics, بما في ذلك الأقمشة الصناعية, nonwovens and other textile products and other breathable materials.

قواعد الامتحان :

جيجابايت/ت 5453, جيجابايت/ت 13764, ايزو 9237, ايزو 7231, ايزو 5636, بكالوريوس 5636, أستم D737

من 53887, سعادة L1096

دevice characteristics :

  1. Use imported high precision pressure and pressure difference sensor to ensure accurate data.
  2. Microcomputer processing, the test results are directly displayed without the manual check.
  3. مدمج 7 test units mm/s, m3/m2. دقيقة, cm3/cm2. س, m3/m2. ح, CFM, L/dm2. دقيقة, L/m2. س, test units can freely switch according to requirements.
  4. Color touch screen control, high definition, Chinese and English double-menu operation.
  5. On-line operation of computer upper computer can be used to automatically draw real-time test data curve for easy observation.
  6. Automatically change the nozzle and automatically detect the sample area.

تالمعلمات التقنية :

  1. Differential pressure range: 1 ~ 4000 باسكال
  2. Detectable permeability: 1 ~ 9999mm/s
  3. Error of measurement: less than or equal to 2%
  4. Measuring fabric thickness: no more than 12mm
  5. Adjustment of suction volume: dynamic adjustment of data feedback
  6. Test area: 5سم2;20 سم2;50 سم2;100 سم2

F 50 مم (19.6 cm2 material) F 70 مم (38.5 cm2 material)

  1. Nozzle parameters:
Diameter φ(mm)0.81.22346810121620
  1. Data processing capacity: no more than 20*30 امتحان
  2. طابعة: thermal micro printer
  3. مصدر الطاقة: تيار متردد 220 فولت، 50 هرتز، 2 كيلو وات
  4. Outer form: 1070 س 670 x 1080mm
  5. وزن: 75كلغ





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