ملخص أداء الكشف وطريقة الكشف عن المسحوق المعدني

مسحوق المعدن هو مسحوق معدني ناعم, عادة ما يتم ذلك عن طريق الاختزال الكيميائي للمعادن, الطحن الميكانيكي أو الانحلال, إلخ. They have the characteristics of many metals, such as high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, المقاومة للتآكل, high temperature performance, إلخ. Metal powders can be used in a variety of applications, such as the preparation of metal materials in electronic devices, السيارات, الفضاء الجوي, بناء, علم المعادن, إلخ., and added to coatings, الدهانات, الأحبار, ممحاة, إلخ., to increase their electrical conductivity, توصيل حراري, المقاومة للتآكل, إلخ. فضلاً عن ذلك, metal powder is also widely used in powder metallurgy, 3D printing, thermal spraying and other fields.

أداء الكشف
The following is a table of common properties of metal powder to be detected and the detection methods:

أداءوصفطريقة الكشف
توزيع حجم الجسيماتSize and distribution of metal powder particles

محلل حجم الجسيمات بالليزر, مجهر

Chemical compositionThe content and proportion of each element in the metal powderالتحليل الطيفي للأشعة السينية, برنامج المقارنات الدولية-MS, تحليل كيميائي
نقاء المادةPurity and impurity content of metal powderICPOES, thermogravimetric analysis, GC-MS
كثافة الكثافةDensity and porosity of metal powderBuoyancy method, mercury injection method, مجهر
Magnetic propertiesMagnetic properties of metal powdersVibration sample magnetometer, hysteresis loop test
Properties of surfaceSurface morphology, chemical reaction and chemical composition of metal powderScanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, تحليل كيميائي

ملخص أداء الكشف وطريقة الكشف عن المسحوق المعدني

نذكرك: different metal powders may require different detection methods, the specific choice of which method needs to be determined according to the nature of the sample and the required detection accuracy.

طريقة الكشف المحددة
The following are detailed instructions on metal powder testing:

Particle size and particle size distribution: The particle size and particle size distribution were measured by laser particle size meter, dynamic light scatterer and other instruments.

كثافة: measured by hydrometer or gas specific gravity method.

التحليل الوزني الحراري: Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) or differential thermal analyzer (DSC) can be used to test the thermal stability and thermal decomposition temperature of materials.

Chemical composition: Commonly used methods are X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).

ملخص أداء الكشف وطريقة الكشف عن المسحوق المعدني

خصائص السطح: Commonly used surface analysis methods include scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).

Magnetism: The magnetic properties of materials are tested through devices such as superconducting quantum interferometers (SQUID) and Hall effect meters.

Electrical conductivity: Instruments such as four-probe resistance testers can be used to test the electrical conductivity of materials.

الخواص البصرية: It can be used to test the absorption and transmission spectrum of materials, as well as the optical properties such as fluorescence spectrum by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

Mechanical properties: Commonly used mechanical properties testing methods include tensile, ضغط, bending and other experiments, as well as materials testing machines and other instruments to test the mechanical properties of materials.

These test methods need to be selected according to the specific types and properties of metal powder, and combined with a variety of means for comprehensive analysis.

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