ما هو دور آلة اختبار شد الزر في الحياة اليومية?

في الحياة اليومية, نحن على دراية بالأزرار, لكننا لا نعرف شيئًا عن آلة اختبار شد الزر, في الحقيقة, يمكنه إجراء اختبار شد عمودي موحد على مجموعة متنوعة من الأزرار الموجودة على الملابس, لاختبار ما إذا كانت صلابتها يمكن أن تلبي معايير السلامة ذات الصلة. معظم الوقت, لدينا أزرار على ملابسنا, وأحيانًا سوف تسقط الأزرار, الأمر الذي لا يجعل ملابسنا قبيحة فحسب، بل يسبب الإحراج أيضًا.

What is the role of the button tension testing machine?

بخاصة, shirts, buttons are very much, in order to let everyone do not affect the use of embarrassment, before the factory, many manufacturers will use button tension testing machine to test, if not easy to fall, then regarded as qualified. The purpose of the button tension test is to define the responsibility of the garment manufacturer to ensure that the buttons, buttons and fasteners are properly fastened to the garment and to prevent the buttons from coming off the garment and creating a risk of organic ingestion by infants. لذلك, the buttons, يجب اختبار الأزرار والمثبتات الموجودة على الملابس بواسطة جهاز اختبار قوة الزر. The machine can test the uniform vertical tension of the buttons on the clothing to check whether the degree can meet the relevant safety standards. Button tension machine is a very important standard for detecting the fixed strength of buttons and buttons, especially in the design and manufacturing of baby and children’s clothing.

What if the button falls off?

If the button is still in place, you can patch it up and sew it on with a needle. If a button falls out, you can go to a tailor’s shop and buy a new one and put it on. Mothers know that when buying clothes for their babies, they should pay special attention to the material and quality of the clothes. The baby’s skin is delicate and fragile, the clothing selection material is soft, good water absorption, good air permeability cotton or cotton wool fabric, and the suture can not be too hard. Generally good cotton surface has no defects, will not be particularly white, if the clothes are found to be particularly white, then it is likely to add fluorescent agents and other chemicals. Then choose the one without buttons.

Operation guide:

1. تثبيت المباراة, تطابق زر الاختبار, وقفل قالب الاختبار على القاعدة

2. اخماد المباراة, hold the buttons and pull them up. Each set of buttons should be able to withstand the pull of z less 17 pounds (7.72كلغ) and should be held for 10 seconds without any looseness or damage.

3. إذا كان أحد الأزرار مفكوكًا أو تالفًا, أو يجب إعادة اختبارها جميعًا بعد الاستبدال.

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