ISO 13803-2014 “Barvy a laky nátěrový film 20° odraz; určení mlhového stínu”

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Komise odpovědná za tento dokument je ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, Podvýbor SC 9, Obecné zkušební metody pro barvy a laky.

ISO 13803-2014 “Barvy a laky nátěrový film 20° odraz; určení mlhového stínu”

The second edition eliminates and replaces the technically revised first edition (ISO 13803:2000). The major technical changes are:

já) symbols have been adapted to the revised version of ISO 2813;

b) Introduction and principles clauses have been added;

C) Supplementary test conditions have been included in the test report;

d) Normative references have been updated.

A high quality surface should have a clear and bright appearance. Microstructure can lead to a milky appearance. This effect is described as haze. High gloss surfaces with microscopic texture have low intensity diffuse light adjacent to the main reflection direction. Most of the incident light is in the direction of specular reflection, which will make the surface appear to have a high gloss of image forming quality, but with a milky haziness at the top.

The haze phenomenon can only be seen on high gloss surfaces. Proto, the 20° geometry is used in a similar way to the glossometer. The 20° gloss meter has an aperture range of 1,8 °. Two additional sensors next to the gloss detector measure the intensity of the diffuse light that causes haze. Thus, specular and scattered light are measured simultaneously. To better correlate with visual perception, haze is displayed on a logarithmic scale -the lower the haze reading, the better the surface.

1 Rozsah
This standard specifies test methods for determining the haze of coatings. This method is suitable for haze measurement of non-textured coatings on flat and opaque substrates.

The use of a 20° geometry means that the method is closely related to the measurement of 20° gloss in ISO 2813. The application of the method aims to improve the distinction between high-gloss surfaces, for example in the field of dispersion properties assessment.

ISO 13803-2014 “Barvy a laky nátěrový film 20° odraz; určení mlhového stínu”

2 Normativní odkazy
The following documents are referred to normatively in whole or in part in this document and are required for their application. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citovaná verze. Pro nedatované reference, novou verzi reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 1514, Barvy a laky — Otestujte standardní panel

ISO 2808, Barvy a laky — Stanovení tloušťky filmu

ISO 2813, Barvy a laky — Determination of gloss values at 20°, 60° a 85 °

3 termíny a definice

Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, platí následující termíny a definice.

3.1 Opar
Milky white in high gloss or clear coating

[Source: ISO 4618:2014, 2.137]

3.2 Geometrie
Identify haze measurements that use a specified Angle and a specified aperture

[Source: ISO 2813:2014, 3.2, modifiedthe term “lesk” has been replaced withhaze”.

3.3 Haze value
The ratio of the light flux reflected and diffuse scattered from adjacent objects in the specular direction from specified light source and acceptor angles to the light flux reflected in the specular direction from a glass with specular reflectivity of 1,567, specified as 100 on a linear haze scale

Poznámka 1: The measurement of haze value is related to the measurement of gloss according to ISO 2813.

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