ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

ISO (Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaci) je globální federací národních normalizačních orgánů (členy ISO). Vývoj mezinárodních norem se obvykle provádí prostřednictvím technických komisí ISO. Každá členská skupina, která se zajímá o předmět, pro který byla ustavena technická komise, má právo být v komisi zastoupena. Mezinárodní organizace, Vlády a nevládní organizace, které jsou v kontaktu s ISO, jsou také zapojeny do tohoto úsilí. ISO úzce spolupracuje s Mezinárodní elektrotechnickou komisí (IEC) ve všech záležitostech elektrotechnické normalizace.

Část 1 Směrnice ISO/IEC popisuje postupy použité k vytvoření tohoto dokumentu i postupy používané pro další údržbu. Zejména, pozornost by měla být věnována různým schvalovacím kritériím požadovaným pro různé typy dokumentů ISO. Tento dokument byl vypracován v souladu s redakčními pravidly Části 2 směrnice ISO/IEC (viz

Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že některé prvky tohoto dokumentu mohou být předmětem patentových práv. ISO nenese odpovědnost za identifikaci jakýchkoli nebo všech takových patentových práv. Podrobnosti o jakýchkoli patentových právech identifikovaných během vývoje dokumentu budou v profilu a/nebo v seznamu obdržených patentových nároků ISO (viz

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

Any trade names used in this document are provided as information for the convenience of users and do not constitute an endorsement thereof.

Voluntary interpretation, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific terminology and express the meaning of and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (TBT) dodržovat principy světové obchodní organizace (WTO) information, please see the

This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, SC 9, Obecné zkušební metody pro barvy a laky.

The fifth edition eliminates and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 2808:2007), který byl technicky revidován. The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

Terms and definitions have been updated to ISO 4618 and ISO/IEC Guide 99;

Revised principles;

Add a white light interferometer as method 6C;

Added the terahertz method as method 11;

The existing methods have adapted to the current situation of metrology;

Revised characteristics of methods and procedures in Appendix A;

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

Information on the accuracy of each method in Appendix A has been adjusted to current standards;

Updated references to test criteria and structural criteria in Appendix A;

The original Article 7 measurement of film thickness on rough surfaces has been moved to Appendix B;

Added Appendix C on factors affecting measurement accuracy when measuring wood.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A full list of these agencies can be found at

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

This document consistently enumerates the individual coatings applied in multilayer systems by referring to the first coating applied on the substrate as coating 1. Some other criteria refer to individual test methods, listed in reverse order.

1 Rozsah použití
This document describes the method used to measure the thickness of the coating applied to the substrate. The method used to determine the thickness of wet film, dry film, and uncured powder layer is described.

For each method described, this document provides an overview of the field of application, existing standards, and precision.

Information for measuring the thickness of the film on rough surfaces is given in Appendix B.

Information on measuring the thickness of wooden substrate films is given in Appendix C.

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

2 Normativní referenční dokumenty
When the following documents are referred to in the text, part or all of their contents constitute the requirements of this document. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citovaná verze. Pro nedatované citace, the new version of the citation document (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 3611, Geometric Product specification (GPS) — Dimensional measuring devices: micrometers for external measurementsDesign and metrological characteristics

ISO 4618, Barvy a laky – termíny a definice

ISO 8503-1, Preparation of steel substrates before painting and related products-Surface roughness characteristics of sandblasted steel substrates — Část 1: Specification and definition of an ISO surface roughness comparator for evaluation of sandblasted surfaces

3 termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, termíny a definice uvedené v ISO 4618 a platí následující.

ISO a IEC udržují terminologické databáze pro standardizaci na následujících adresách:

– ISO online prohlížecí platforma:

– Elektropedie IEC: k dispozici na

3.1 Film thickness

The distance between the film surface and the substrate surface

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.2 Wet film thickness

The thickness of the wet coating material just applied, measured immediately after application

3.3 Dry film thickness

The thickness of the coating left on the surface after the coating is hardened

3.4 Uncured powder layer thickness

The thickness of the powder coating material just applied, measured immediately after coating and before baking

3.5 Related surface area

A part of an object that is or will be covered by a coating and that the coating is required for its maintainability and/or appearance

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: The measurement of this attribute is only used for the extended evaluation of film thickness measurement; See article 7, k) and l).

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.6 Testovací oblast

A representative part of the relevant surface area, within which an agreed number of single measurements are taken as spot checks

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: The measurement of this attribute is only used for the extended evaluation of film thickness measurement; See article 7, k) and l).

3.7 Measurement area

The area where a single measurement is made

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: The measurement of this attribute is only used for the extended evaluation of film thickness measurement; See article 7, k) and l).

3.8 Minimum local film thickness

The lowest value of the local film thickness found in the relevant surface area of a particular specimen

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: The measurement of this attribute is only used for the extended evaluation of film thickness measurement; See article 7, k) and l).

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.9 Maximum local film thickness

The maximum value of the local film thickness found in the relevant surface area of a particular specimen

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: The measurement of this attribute is only used for the extended evaluation of film thickness measurement; See article 7, k) and l).

3.10 Average film thickness

Arithmetic mean of all individual dry film thickness (3.3) in the test area or weight determination of thickness

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: The measurement of this attribute is only used for the extended evaluation of film thickness measurement; See article 7, k) and l).

3.11 Kalibrace

Under specific conditions, first step, the operation of establishing a relationship between the quantity value provided by the measurement standard with measurement uncertainty and the corresponding indication with relevant measurement uncertainty, second step, using this information to establish a relationship to obtain the measurement result of the indication

Poznámka 1: Calibration can be expressed in statements, calibration functions, calibration plots, calibration curves, or calibration tables. V některých případech, it may include an additive or multiplicative correction for an indication with associated measurement uncertainty.

Poznámka 2: Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of the measurement system, often erroneously referred to asself-calibration”, nor with calibration verification.

Poznámka ke vstupu 3: Typicky, the first step in the above definition alone is considered calibration.

[Source: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.39]

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.12 Confirmation

Provide objective evidence that a given project meets specific requirements

Example 1: Confirm that the required given reference material is uniform for the relevant quantity values and measurement procedures until the mass of the measured part is 10 mg.

Example 2: Confirm that the performance characteristics or legal requirements of the measurement system are met.

Example 3: Confirm that the target measurement uncertainty can be met.

Poznámka 1: When applicable, measurement uncertainty should be considered.

Item Note 2: Items can be, například, processes, measurement procedures, materiálů, compounds, or measurement systems.

Poznámka 3: Stated requirements can be, například, meeting the manufacturer’s specifications.

Poznámka ke vstupu 4: Statutory metrological verification as defined in VIML, and conformity assessment in general, involves the inspection and marking of measurement systems and/or the issuance of verification certificates.

Poznámka 5: Validation should not be confused with calibration. Not every verification is a verification.

Poznámka 6: In chemistry, verifying the identity of the entity or activity involved requires describing the structure or nature of the entity or activity.

[Source: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.44]

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.13 Reference R M

The material, sufficiently homogeneous and stable with respect to the specified properties, has been determined to be suitable for its intended use in measurement or inspection of nominal properties

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: Examination of nominal attributes provides nominal attribute values and associated uncertainty. This uncertainty is not measurement uncertainty.

Poznámka 2: REFERENCE MATERIALS with or without specified quantity values can be used for measurement accuracy control, while only REFERENCE materials with specified quantity values can be used for calibration or measurement trueness control.

Poznámka 3: “Referenční materiály” include materials embodying quantitative and nominal characteristics.

Example 1: Sample reference with quantity:

A) water of specified purity whose dynamic viscosity is used to calibrate the viscometer;

b) Human serum without a quantitative value for the mass concentration of intrinsic cholesterol is used only as a control substance for measurement accuracy;

C) Fish tissue containing the specified mass fraction of dioxins to be used as calibrators.

Example 2: Example of reference material embodying nominal characteristics:

A) a color card showing one or more specific colors;

b) a DNA compound containing a specific nucleotide sequence;

C) Urine containing 19-androstenedione.

Poznámka ke vstupu 4: Reference materials are sometimes incorporated into specially manufactured equipment.

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

Example 3: A substance with a known triple point in a triple point cell.

Example 4: Glass with known optical density in a transmission filter holder.

Example 5: A uniform sized sphere mounted on a microscope slide.

Entry NOTE 5: Some REFERENCE MATERIALS specify quantities that are metrologically traceable to units of measurement outside the unit system. Such material includes vaccines designated as international units (IU) by the World Health Organization.

Poznámka 6: In a given measurement, a given reference material can only be used for calibration or quality assurance.

Poznámka ke vstupu 7: The specification of the reference material shall include its material traceability, indicating its origin and processing (Accred. Qual. Assur.:2006).

Entry note 8: ISO/REMCO has a similar definition but uses the termmeasurement processto meaninspection” (ISO 15189:2007, 3.4), which covers the measurement of quantities and the inspection of nominal attributes.

Poznámka ke vstupu 9: Reference materials can be coating thickness standards or gaskets. A portion of the test sample can be used as a work-specific thickness standard if the contract parties agree.

[Source: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 5.13, modifiedentry note 9 added.]

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.14 Adjustment

Adjustment of measurement system

A set of operations performed on a measuring system so that it provides a prescribed indication corresponding to a given value to be measured

Poznámka 1: The types of adjustment of the measurement system include zero adjustment, offset adjustment and span adjustment (sometimes called gain adjustment) of the measurement system.

Poznámka 2: Adjustment of a measurement system should not be confused with calibration, which is a prerequisite for adjustment.

Poznámka 3: After the measurement system is adjusted, it is usually necessary to re-calibrate the measurement system.

Poznámka 4: Most digital measuring instruments can be adjusted on a thickness standard or gasket, where the thickness of the coating or gasket is known.

[Source: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 3.11, modified — Poznámka 4 added, “adjustmentused as the first preferred term.]

ISO 2808-2019 “Stanovení tloušťky nátěrového filmu pro barvu a lak”

3.15 Přesnost

Accuracy of measurement

The degree of agreement between the measured value and the true quantity value

Poznámka 1: The concept ofmeasurement accuracyis not a quantity and does not give a numerical quantity value. When smaller measurement error is provided, the measurement is said to be more accurate.

Poznámka 2: The termprecision of measurementshould not be used to measure truthfulness and the termprecision of measurementshould not be used toprecision of measurement”, nicméně, this is related to both concepts.

Poznámka ke vstupu 3: “Measurement precisionis sometimes understood to be attributed to the degree of consistent proximity between the measurements being measured.

[Source: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.13, modified — “přesnost” is used as a preferred term.]

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