
Povlak 4 viskozimetr pro potahování viskozimetrem


This portable viscometer is suitable for measuring the viscosity of paint within 30-100 seconds.During measurement, the measured liquid is filled in a specific container, and the viscosity of the liquid is calculated according to the time required for the measured liquid to flow out.

Viscosity cup is according to the national standard GB/ t1723-93coating viscosity determination methodin the relevant provisions and combined with the actual production situation.The viscosity cup is used for measuring the conditional viscosity of the coating. It is suitable for measuring the coating products with the viscosity less than 150 sekundy.

Povlak 4 viskozimetr pro potahování viskozimetrem

Technické specifikace

Objem poháru100ml
ApertureÓ 4 mm
Body materiaměď
Rozsah měření112 ~ 685 (CST)
Flow time 25 ~ 150 sekundy
Hmotnost1.76 Kg
Rozsah měření30s≤ t ≤100s
Error±5 % newtonské kapaliny
Vnější rozměry155mm*98mm*335mm

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