Eine kurze Analyse der Anwendung des Feuerfestigkeitstesters in Karton

Der Biegewiderstandstester hat einen wichtigen Anwendungswert bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Pappe. Cardboard is a common packaging material, mainly used for packaging a variety of products, such as food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, Kosmetika, elektronische Produkte, usw. The folding performance of cardboard is one of the important indicators of its quality and reliability. The folding resistance tester can help manufacturers and users to evaluate the folding performance of cardboard, um die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der Produkte zu verbessern.

In the application of paperboard, the folding resistance tester is mainly used to test the folding properties of different paperboard materials, including strength, Härte, elasticity and other indicators. By testing the folding properties of different processes and raw materials, manufacturers can determine the best production process and raw materials to produce better paperboards. Zusätzlich, the foldability tester can also help manufacturers and users understand the folding performance of cardboard under different humidity and temperature conditions, so as to determine its scope of application and service life.

Eine kurze Analyse der Anwendung des Feuerfestigkeitstesters in Karton

Im Testprozess, the test sample needs to be prepared first and placed on the test bench, and the test parameters need to be adjusted before starting the test. When testing, the flexability tester will simulate the real use conditions and perform multiple folding tests on the sample to determine its folding performance. Nachdem der Test abgeschlossen ist, the folding performance of the cardboard can be evaluated according to the test results, um die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit des Produkts zu verbessern.

The following is a table of steps to test the cardboard using the flexability tester:

1Prepare test samples, generally rectangular or square, the size and shape should meet the test requirements
2Place the test sample on the test bench and adjust the test fixture to ensure that the sample is fixed
3Gemäß den Prüfanforderungen, adjust the test parameters of the flexability tester, wie zum Beispiel die Testgeschwindigkeit, Testzeiten, usw
4Start the test instrument and test it. The test instrument will simulate the real use conditions and perform multiple fold tests on the samples
5Nachdem der Test abgeschlossen ist, the folding performance of the cardboard is evaluated according to the test results

Wir erinnern Sie daran: in the folding resistance test, Die Auswahl der Testparameter sollte an unterschiedliche Testanforderungen angepasst werden, such as test times, Testgeschwindigkeit, usw. Zusätzlich, the size and shape of the test sample also need to meet the test requirements to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results.

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