Anwendung einer Konstanttemperatur- und Luftfeuchtigkeitsbox auf einer Lithiumbatterie

Als wichtiger Energiespeicher, Die Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Lithiumbatterien sind sehr wichtig. Damp-heat test is a method of safety test for lithium battery. Its purpose is to evaluate the safety performance of lithium battery in high temperature and high humidity environment, so as to test the durability and reliability of lithium battery.

In the wet heat test, the lithium battery will be placed in a high temperature and humidity environment, usually 85℃ and 85% relative Luftfeuchtigkeit, to simulate extreme service conditions. Under these conditions, if the lithium battery does not fail, it shows that it has high safety and reliability, and can be used in a wider range of applications.

In the wet heat test, various performance parameters of lithium batteries are tested and evaluated, such as battery capacity, internal resistance, cycle life, discharge rate, self-discharge rate, usw. The change of these parameters can help to evaluate the stability and durability of lithium battery in hot and humid environment.

Anwendung einer Konstanttemperatur- und Luftfeuchtigkeitsbox auf einer Lithiumbatterie

Testing instrument
The following instruments and equipment should be used to carry out the humid heat test:

Wet heat chamber: Used to test batteries in high temperature and humidity environments.

Battery test system: Used to test battery capacity, internal resistance, cycle life, discharge rate, self-discharge rate and other performance parameters.

Data recorder: Used to record the changes of various parameters during battery testing.

Anwendung einer Konstanttemperatur- und Luftfeuchtigkeitsbox auf einer Lithiumbatterie

Test procedure
The following are the general test steps of damp and heat test:

Probenvorbereitung: Select the lithium battery conforming to the specifications as the sample, and mark and record according to the test requirements.

Place the sample in a hot and humid chamber: Place the sample in a hot and humid chamber under preset temperature and humidity conditions.

Test battery performance: Test and record the capacity, internal resistance, cycle life, discharge rate, self-discharge rate and other parameters of lithium battery through the battery test system.

Continuous observation: The sample is placed in the hot and humid box for a certain period of time, and the performance parameters of the battery are continuously observed.

Result analysis: According to the test results, analyze the performance of the sample and evaluate the stability and durability of the battery in hot and humid environment.

It should be noted that the wet heat test should be conducted under the guidance of a professional to ensure the safety and reliability of the test process. Gleichzeitig, the relevant safe operation procedures should be followed to avoid harm to the environment and personnel.

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