Haupteigenschaften und Prüfmethoden von Leichtpapier

Leichtes Papier ist dünn, weiches Papier, das üblicherweise für Verpackungen verwendet wird, Drucken und Schreiben. Because of its special paper structure and properties.

Its detection needs to pay attention to the following main performance:

Dicke und Dichte: The thickness and density of lightweight paper will directly affect its stability and use effect. Die Dicke und Dichte können durch Messen der Papierdicke gemessen werden, Dichte und Grundgewicht.

Papierstärke: Lightweight paper needs to have a certain strength to ensure stability and durability. Die Prüfung der Festigkeit kann durch Messung der Zugfestigkeit erfolgen, Reißfestigkeit, Faltwiderstand und andere Indikatoren.

Paper flexibility: Lightweight paper needs to be flexible to ensure its suitability for use in areas such as packaging and printing. Die Flexibilität kann durch Messung der Anzahl der Falten und Biegungen des Papiers sowie anderer Indikatoren getestet werden.

Flatness: Lightweight paper needs to have a certain flatness to ensure stability and printing effect during the printing process. Flatness can be measured by measuring paper surface smoothness, feather height and board convexity and other indicators.

Haupteigenschaften und Prüfmethoden von Leichtpapier

Wear resistance of paper: Lightweight paper needs to have certain wear resistance to ensure its durability and use effect. The wear resistance can be tested by measuring the wear degree and surface hardness of the paper.

Air permeability of paper: Lightweight paper needs to have some air permeability to ensure that it is suitable for use in areas such as packaging. The air permeability test can be carried out by measuring the air permeability and water vapor permeability of the paper.

Printing performance of paper: Lightweight paper needs to have certain printing performance to ensure the printing quality of printed matter. The printing performance can be tested by measuring the paper’s water absorption, ink absorption, printing clarity, color reduction and resistance to printing pollution and other indicators.

Paper environmental protection: lightweight paper needs to meet environmental standards, enthält keine Schadstoffe, keine Verschmutzung der Umwelt. Der Umweltschutz kann durch die Messung flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen überprüft werden, Schwermetalle, Chloridionen, Leuchtstoffaufheller und andere Indikatoren.

Geltungsbereich: Lightweight paper is used in a very wide range, different uses of lightweight paper need to have different performance requirements. The scope of application can be tested by measuring the applicable environment of paper, applicable packaging items, applicable printing technology and other indicators.

Bearbeitbarkeit: Lightweight paper usually needs to be cut, gefaltet, punched and other processing, Es muss also ein gewisses Maß an Bearbeitbarkeit aufweisen. Die Bearbeitbarkeit kann getestet werden, indem die Leistungsänderung und der Verlust von Papier in verschiedenen Verarbeitungsprozessen gemessen werden.

The above performance indicators are the key content of light paper testing. Different usage requirements and standards will also affect the testing standards and methods of paper.

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