Minimale Filmbildungstemperatur: Von der Theorie zur Praxis

Beschichtungen spielen in der Industrie und im täglichen Leben eine unverzichtbare Rolle, sei es zum Schutz von Materialien oder zur Verschönerung von Oberflächen, it is inseparable from the application of coatings. Jedoch, in the coating industry, a key performance parameter is often overlooked, and that is the minimum film forming temperature. In THIS PAPER, THE CONCEPT, INFLUENCING FACTORS AND DETERMINATION METHODS of MINIMUM FILM forming TEMPERATURE ARE DISCUSSED in depth, and an advanced instrument, MINIMUM FILM FORMING TEMPERATURE tester, is introduced, which is applied in coating research and production.

Importance of minimum film forming temperature
The film forming process of coating is one of the cornerstones of coating performance, and the minimum film forming temperature, as one of the important parameters, affects the performance of coating at different temperatures. The minimum film forming temperature refers to the minimum temperature at which the coating begins to form a continuous film under certain conditions, and can also be understood as the temperature at which the coating can be effectively attached to the substrate. This parameter is directly related to the performance of the coating in low temperature environment, such as the adhesion and durability of the coating.

Influencing factors
The minimum film forming temperature is affected by many factors, among which the composition of the coating and environmental conditions are one of the most important factors. The glass transformation temperature (Tg) of the polymer in the coating is an important parameter that affects the minimum film forming temperature. The higher the Tg is, the higher the minimum film forming temperature is. Zusätzlich, the type of additives in the coating, particle form, ambient temperature and humidity will also affect the minimum film forming temperature.

Minimale Filmbildungstemperatur: Von der Theorie zur Praxis

Instrument for testing
1. Minimum film forming temperature tester

In order to accurately determine the minimum film forming temperature of the coating, scientists designed and manufactured the minimum film forming temperature measuring instrument. This instrument is based on the national standard GB9267-2008 research and development, is a new generation of paint film testing instrument. Its core composition is the temperature gradient plate made of stainless steel, through the action of cold source and heat source, the formation of obvious temperature gradient on the temperature gradient plate, so as to simulate the coating film formation process under different temperature conditions.

2. Use method and precautions

Using the minimum film forming temperature meter requires a series of steps and precautions. Before the formal test, the preparation of the instrument should be carried out, including checking the packaging, placing the instrument, connecting the power supply and water source, usw. Im Betrieb, it is necessary to set refrigeration and heating preset according to the test conditions, preheat the instrument, coat the coating to be tested on the temperature gradient plate, and observe the formation of the film forming boundary. Zusätzlich, pay attention to ambient temperature, humidity and power requirements.

Minimale Filmbildungstemperatur: Von der Theorie zur Praxis

3. Anwendung eines Messgeräts für die minimale Filmbildungstemperatur

The minimum film forming temperature measuring instrument is widely used in coating research and production. It can help researchers understand the film formation characteristics of different coatings at different temperatures and provide an important reference for coating selection. Zusätzlich, the instrument also plays a key role in coating process improvement, helping engineers optimize coating formulations and construction conditions to improve the applicability and performance of coatings.

As an important index of coating performance, the minimum film forming temperature plays an important role in the coating industry. The development and application of the minimum film forming temperature tester provides us with an accurate and reliable method to evaluate the film forming characteristics of coatings. Through in-depth understanding of the concept and determination method of minimum film forming temperature, we can better select and use coatings, and also promote the continuous innovation and development of coating technology.

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