Testmethode für die Leistung von weißem Karton

Weißes Kartenpapier ist ein häufig verwendetes Druckpapiermaterial, Wird normalerweise zur Herstellung von Visitenkarten verwendet, Hangtags, Verpackungskartons, cards and other high-grade printed matter.

Leistung der Erkennung
It needs to have the following main features:

Whiteness: the white card paper needs to have a certain whiteness to ensure the bright color and clear image of the printed matter. The detection of whiteness can be carried out by measuring the reflected brightness and chromaticity coordinates of the paper surface.

Printing quality: The printing quality of white card paper includes image clarity, color reduction and printing speed. The inspection of printing quality can be carried out by checking the printing effect, line clarity, color reduction and other indicators of printing.

Thickness and uniformity: The thickness and uniformity of white card paper will directly affect the printing effect and quality of printed matter. The detection of thickness and uniformity can be carried out by measuring the thickness, density and basic weight of the paper.

Strength: white card paper needs to have a certain strength to ensure the stability and durability of printed matter. Strength detection can be carried out by measuring the tensile strength, flexural strength, compressive strength and other indicators of paper.

Testmethode für die Leistung von weißem Karton

Wear resistance: white card paper needs to have certain wear resistance to ensure the durability and use effect of printed matter. Wear resistance detection can be carried out by measuring the friction coefficient of the surface of the paper, wear resistance and other indicators.

Umweltschutz: white card paper needs to meet environmental protection standards, enthält keine Schadstoffe, keine Verschmutzung der Umwelt. The detection of environmental protection can be carried out by measuring the volatile organic compounds, Schwermetalle, chloride ions and fluorescent whitening agents of paper.

Geltungsbereich: The use of white card paper is mainly in high-grade printed matter, such as business cards, tags, Verpackungskartons, cards, usw. The detection of the scope of application can be carried out by measuring the applicable environment of the paper, the applicable printing variety and the applicable processing technology.

These performance indicators are the key content of white card paper detection, different use requirements and standards will also affect the detection standards and methods of paper. Zusätzlich, because white card paper is usually used in the production of high-grade printed matter, its appearance quality is also a very important index, need to carry out appearance detection, such as surface flatness, surface gloss, surface smoothness, surface defect and other indicators.

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