ASTM D3611-2019 Pratique standard pour le vieillissement accéléré du ruban sensible à la pression

Signification et utilisation
1 Cette pratique accélère le vieillissement naturel du ruban adhésif, so that the response to ordinary physical property tests changes to the same degree as it does under exposure to natural aging for about two years, compared to pre-aging tests.

1.1 In this context, natural aging refers to the time of continuous aging of the tape in an airtight fiberboard container (in the dark) in a humid South, warm Southwest Southwest or moderately moderate U.S. climate change.

2 The degree of change in one physical property should be expected to differ from the degree of change in the other physical property and should therefore also be associated with different natural aging times.

3 Abnormal product batches can cause differences in test responses that exceed expected time patterns.

ASTM D3611-2019 Pratique standard pour le vieillissement accéléré du ruban sensible à la pression

4 The appearance of normal tape products usually changes only slightly after two years of natural aging. This accelerated exposure often produces exaggerated changes in appearance that can only be seen in abnormal products under natural conditions.

In applications where tapes are subjected to usage pressure, there is currently no experience linking accelerated exposure to tape response.

Étape 1: Portée
1.1 This practice provides an environment in which the finished pressure-sensitive tape material can be exposed to accelerate its aging. It applies to roll tape when the user follows the precautions detailed in the procedure. The practice does not provide conclusions on its own, but is used in conjunction with cosmetic or physical characteristics testing to track accelerated exposure. Although this practice was developed using package-type tape, its use for other types of tape with similar structures is encouraged. Not applicable to electronic gradient bands (see Test method D1000).

ASTM D3611-2019 Pratique standard pour le vieillissement accéléré du ruban sensible à la pression

1.2 Cette norme n'est pas destinée à répondre à tous les problèmes de sécurité associés à son utilisation. Il est de la responsabilité des utilisateurs de cette norme d'établir des mesures de sécurité appropriées., spécifications sanitaires et environnementales et pour déterminer l’applicabilité des restrictions réglementaires avant utilisation.

1.3 Cette norme internationale est basée sur les principes de normalisation internationalement reconnus établis dans la Décision sur les principes pour l'élaboration de normes internationales., Lignes directrices et recommandations émises par l'OMC Obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC) Comité.

2. Se référer au dossier
Norme ASTM

D996 Packaging and distribution environmental terms

D1000 Test method for pressure sensitive adhesive tape for electrical and electronic applications

Test method for peel adhesion of D3330 / D3330M pressure sensitive tape

D371/ D371 pressure sensitive tape quality Assurance practices

D4332 Pratique de régulation des contenants, emballage ou composants d'emballage pour les tests

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