ASTM F874-2019 Standard Test Method for Temperature Measurement and Profile Analysis of Microwave Receptors

The test method covers standard procedures for measuring and analyzing surface temperatures through microwave interactive packaging and cooking AIDS (c'est à dire. pedestals). This program can be used to measure the temperature of the base/food interface during microwave-handling of food in base based packages, heating pads and crisp sleeves, etc.. It can also be used to expose a temperature profile of a base in a vial for testing volatile extracts, or in a liquid (PTFE-fluorocarbon polymer) extraction tank for testing non-volatile extracts. The latter step is carried out to establish the test conditions for the extraction and migration of temperature and time curves that approximate the temperature curves of the actual microwave preparation of the product.

This summary is a brief summary of the reference standards. It is informational only and not a formal part of the standard; The full text of the standard itself requires reference to its usage and scope of application. ASTM provides no warranties, expresse ou implicite, et ne garantit pas que le contenu de ce résumé est exact, complete, or new.

ASTM F874-2019 Standard Test Method for Temperature Measurement and Profile Analysis of Microwave Receptors

Étape 1: Portée
1.1 This is a test method for measuring surface temperature, which is achieved by microwave interactive packaging and cooking AIDS (c'est à dire. receptors). It is used to measure the temperature of the receptor/food interface during microwave preparation of food using sensory-based packaging, heating pads and crispy sleeves, etc.. It can also be used to measure the temperature of receptors exposed to extraction tests or liquids used in extraction pools for non-volatile extraction tests. The latter step is carried out to establish the test conditions for the extraction and migration of temperature and time curves that approximate the temperature curves of the actual microwave preparation of the product.

1.1.1 Several steps of this test method are taken directly from test method F1308, which provides an extraction test procedure for the base.

1.2 Les valeurs exprimées en unités SI doivent être considérées comme des valeurs standard. This standard does not include other units of measurement.

1.3 Cette norme n'est pas destinée à répondre à tous les problèmes de sécurité associés à son utilisation. Il est de la responsabilité des utilisateurs de cette norme d'établir des mesures de sécurité appropriées., spécifications sanitaires et environnementales et pour déterminer l’applicabilité des restrictions réglementaires avant utilisation.

1.4 Cette norme internationale est basée sur les principes de normalisation internationalement reconnus établis dans la Décision sur les principes pour l'élaboration de normes internationales., Lignes directrices et recommandations émises par l'OMC Obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC) Comité.

ASTM F874-2019 Standard Test Method for Temperature Measurement and Profile Analysis of Microwave Receptors

2. Se référer au dossier
Norme ASTM

F1308 Test method for determination of volatile extracts in microwave receptors for food

F1317 Test method for microwave oven calibration

Test method for absorption of non-volatile ultraviolet (UV) extracts by F1349 microwave receptors

F1500 Test method for quantitative determination of non-UV absorbent non-volatile extracts in microwave receptors using a solvent as a food analog

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