Expérience à partager Méthode d'étalonnage de la machine d'essai d'usure TABER Aperçu rapide

La machine d'essai d'abrasion TABER convient au cuir, tissu, papier, peinture, contre-plaqué, cuir, carrelage, verre, plastique naturel et ainsi de suite. La méthode de test consiste à monter une paire de meules sur l'échantillon en rotation., et la charge spécifiée est appliquée. Lorsque l'échantillon tourne, la meule est entraînée, afin de porter l'échantillon, et la perte de poids est la différence de poids avant et après le test. The abrasion tester produced by Taber is the most widely used instrument for product durability testing in the world. These products include plastics, papier, revêtements, textile, leather and flooring. Taber’s abrading machines, hardness testers, shear/scratch testers and more produce data in minutes rather than years of use.

Calibration procedure

(1) D'abord, set the rated revolution of the counter to 60r/min; Étape 2, press the RST key to clear the counter; Étape 3: Press the start button and start the stopwatch at the same time. The fourth step, when the counter records to 60 RPM, the testing machine automatically stops and stops the stopwatch time; Fifth, record the stopwatch time; Repeat steps 2 à 5 au-dessus de, both times should be within the range of 60s±2s.

(2) Use electronic balance to weigh the mass of 2509 poids, 5009 poids, 7509 weights and 10009 weights respectively, and the mass of 2509 weights should be 2509+lg; The weight of 5009 should be 5009±29; The weight mass of 7509 should be 7509+29; The weight mass of 10009 should be 10009±29; If the requirements are not met, the quality of the weights should be increased or less adjusted, and then re-weighed after adjustment until the requirements are met.

TABER abrasion testing machine mainly through the way of rotary grinding, using different types of friction wheels on the sample rotation to detect the wear resistance of leather and plastic materials. Select the set of weights applicable to the standard to test the material characteristics. Detect weight loss on the outer surface of the sample, such as obvious mechanical damage.

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