OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

OIN (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une alliance mondiale d'organismes de normalisation nationaux (Comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration de normes internationales est généralement réalisée par l'intermédiaire de comités techniques ISO.. Chaque institution membre intéressée par un sujet pour lequel un comité technique a été créé a le droit d'être représentée au sein de ce comité.. Les organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernementales en liaison avec l'ISO sont également impliquées dans ces travaux.. L'ISO travaille en étroite collaboration avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) sur toutes les questions de normalisation électrique.

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OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

Pour une description de la signification des termes et expressions ISO spécifiques liés à l'évaluation de la conformité, et pour obtenir des informations sur la conformité de l’ISO aux principes de l’OMC en matière d’obstacles techniques au commerce. (OTC), veuillez consulter l'URL suivante: Avant-propos – Information supplémentaire

Le comité responsable de ce document est l'ISO/TC 172, Optics and Photonics, Sous-comité SC 1, Basic Standards.

The second edition cancelled and replaced the first edition (OIN 9022-11:1994), in which it constituted a minor revision.

OIN 9022 consists of the following parts under the general heading Optics and PhotonicsEnvironmental Test Methods:

OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

– Partie 1: Defining and testing the scope

– Partie 2: Froid, heat and wet

– Partie 3: Stress mécanique

– Partie 4: Salt spray

– Partie 6: Dust

– Partie 7: Resistance to dripping or rain

– Partie 8: High internal pressure, low internal pressure, immersion

– Partie 9: Rayonnement solaire et intempéries

– Partie 11: Mold growth

– Partie 12: Pollution

– Partie 14: Dew, frost, ice

– Partie 17: Combined pollution, solar radiation

– Partie 20: Humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide

– Partie 22: Combination of cold, dry heat or temperature changes with bumps or random vibrations

– Partie 23: Low pressure combined with cold, ambient temperature and dry and humid heat

OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

Optical instruments are subject to many different environmental parameters during use, which need to be resisted without significantly degrading performance and remaining within prescribed specifications.

The type and severity of these parameters depend on the conditions under which the instrument is used (Par exemple, in a laboratory or workshop) and its geographical location. The environmental effects on the performance of optical instruments in tropical and subtropical regions are completely different from those found when used in the Arctic. Each parameter will have different overlapping effects on the performance of the instrument.

Manufacturers try to ensure that, naturally, users expect the instrument to be resistant to the rigors that its environment can bring throughout its life cycle. This expectation can be assessed by exposing the instrument to a range of simulated environmental parameters under controlled laboratory conditions. The severity of these diseases is often increased in order to achieve meaningful results in a relatively short period of time.

To evaluate and compare the response of optical instruments to appropriate environmental conditions, OIN 9022 contains detailed information on many laboratory tests that reliably simulate a wide range of different environments. These tests are mainly based on IEC standards, modified if necessary to take into account the special functions of the optical instrument.

OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

Due to the continuous progress in various fields, optical instruments are no longer just precision designed optical products, but also contain other components from other fields, depending on their range of application. Donc, the main functions of the instrument will be evaluated to determine which international standard should be used for testing. If optical functions are important, then ISO 9022 is applicable, but if other functions take precedence, then appropriate international standards in the relevant fields should be applied. There may be situations where ISO 9022 and other appropriate international standards need to be applied simultaneously.

Although the species of fungus chosen for testing is generally not harmful to humans, some people may experience allergies or other reactions. Experienced and trained personnel need to be used to ensure the fungus is handled correctly and tested properly. Donc, it is recommended that the test performance required in this part of ISO 9022 be delegated to microbiology laboratories, as such laboratories have the appropriate equipment and trained personnel.

OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

1 Gamme
Cette partie de l'ISO 9022 specifies methods related to environmental testing of optical instruments, including other components from other fields (such as mechanical, chemical and electronic equipment) under equal conditions to resist the effects of mold growth.

Cependant, complete instruments or components are only tested in exceptional circumstances in accordance with this part of ISO 9022. Typiquement, representative samples (such as mounted optical components, material samples, or surface coatings on representative samples) are used for testing.

The tests described in this part of ISO 9022 are designed to select materials and components for instruments that may be used in environments conducive to mold growth, rather than for conventional production control.

The purpose of the test is to investigate the extent to which the optical, climatic, mécanique, chimique, and electrical (including electrostatic) performance characteristics of the specimen are affected by mold growth.

En outre, the tests in this part of ISO 9022 are designed to assess the extent to which metabolic wastes excreted by fungi, such as enzymes or acids, cause etching, corrosion, or short circuits, such as in printed circuit boards.

OIN 9022-11-2015 – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux pour l'optique et les instruments optiques – Partie 11: Croissance de moisissures

2 Références normatives
All or part of the following documents are referred to normatively in this document, and their application is difficult or lacking. Pour les références datées, seule la version citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, une nouvelle version de la référence (y compris toutes les révisions) s'applique.

OIN 9022-1, Optics and photonics – Méthodes d'essais environnementaux – Partie 1: Définition, test scope

Seule la section d'informations standard est publique. Pour voir le contenu complet, vous devez acheter la norme via les canaux officiels.

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