Metode Uji Standar ASTM B499-2014 untuk Pengukuran Magnetik Ketebalan Lapisan: Lapisan Non-magnetik pada Logam Magnetik

Metode Uji Standar ASTM B499 untuk Mengukur Ketebalan Lapisan dengan Metode Magnetik: Non-magnetic Coatings on Magnetic Metals includes non-destructive measurement of the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on black or other magnetic base metals using a magnetic instrument.
Arti dan kegunaannya

5.1 Ketebalan lapisan umumnya penting untuk kinerjanya. For most non-ferrous coatings on steel, the magnetic method is reliable for non-destructively measuring coating thickness and is suitable for specification acceptance testing and SPC/SQC applications.

5.2 This test method should not be used to determine the thickness of electrodeposited nickel coatings on steel. Test method B530 is suitable for this determination.

Metode Uji Standar ASTM B499-2014 untuk Pengukuran Magnetik Ketebalan Lapisan: Lapisan Non-magnetik pada Logam Magnetik

Melangkah 1: Cakupan

1.1 This test method includes the non-destructive measurement of the thickness of a non-magnetic coating on a black or other magnetic base metal using a magnetic instrument. It is intended to complement the manufacturer’s instructions on the operation of the instrument, bukan untuk menggantikannya.

Catatan 1 – Nickel-Phosphorus alloys with self-catalytic deposition containing more than 8% phosphorus measured by this test method are sufficiently non-magnetic as long as they are measured prior to any heat treatment.

1.2 These instruments measure the magnetic attraction between the magnet and the base metal, which is affected by the presence of a coating (tergolong sebagai “tarikan magnetis”) or by changes in the magnetic flux density within the probe (tergolong sebagai “electron”). These instruments cannot distinguish the thickness of individual layers. They can only measure the cumulative thickness of all layers below the probe, down to the base metal.

1.3 Measurements made in accordance with this test method shall comply with the requirements of ISO International Standard 2178, printed in 1982.

1.4 Nilai yang dinyatakan dalam satuan SI harus dianggap standar. Nilai yang diberikan dalam tanda kurung hanya untuk referensi.

1.5 Standar ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi semua masalah keselamatan (jika ada) terkait dengan penggunaannya. Pengguna standar ini bertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan praktik keselamatan dan kesehatan yang sesuai dan menentukan penerapan pembatasan peraturan sebelum digunakan..

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