ASTM D 2064-91-2016 “Impression Resistance of Architectural Coatings

Arti dan Tujuan
5.1 The ability of the coating to resist printing is important because its appearance can be adversely affected if the smoothness of the coating is altered by contact with another surface, especially with textured surfaces. Interior paint systems, especially gloss and semi-gloss on windowsills and other horizontal surfaces, on which objects such as flower POTS are often placed, can leave an irreversible impression. This tendency for paint films to “mencetak” is a function of coating hardness, tekanan, suhu, kelembaban, and the time the object is in contact with the painted surface.

ASTM D 2064-91-2016 “Impression Resistance of Architectural Coatings

Ruang lingkup
1.1 This test method covers an accelerated procedure for assessing the printing resistance of architectural coatings. It differs from printing resistance test method D2091 in that the latter relates to lacquer finishes under packaging, transportation and storage conditions, while this test method relates to decorative coatings that have undergone random field pressure contact.

Catatan 1: Printing should not be confused with blocking, which is measured in test method D4946. The former involves the indentation of the surface, while the latter involves the bonding of two surfaces.

1.2 Values expressed in inch-pounds shall be considered standard. Nilai yang diberikan dalam tanda kurung hanya untuk referensi.

1.3 Standar ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi semua masalah keselamatan, jika ada, terkait dengan penggunaannya. Pengguna standar ini bertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan praktik keselamatan dan kesehatan yang sesuai dan menentukan penerapan pembatasan peraturan sebelum digunakan..

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