ASTM D 4141-2022 Darkbox dan Paparan Sinar Matahari Terkonsentrasi untuk Pelapis

Arti dan Tujuan
5.1 Seperti halnya tes akselerasi lainnya, the increase in weathering rate compared to in-service exposure depends on the material. Karena itu, there is no acceleration factor that can be used to correlate two different types of outdoor weathering exposure. When comparing coatings with different compositions, the weatherability rankings of the coatings provided by these two programs may not be consistent. The two processes should not be used interchangeably.

5.2 The procedures described in this practice are designed to provide a higher degradation rate of coatings than those provided by fixed Angle, open, outdoor exposure racks. For many products, fixed-angle exposure will yield a higher degradation rate than the normal end use of the material.

5.2.1 For materials with higher temperature end-use conditions, using procedure A (black box) instead of open rack direct exposure is a more realistic test. For many coatings, this process provides degradation rates higher than 5° that would be provided by an open exposure facing the equator, as the black box produces higher sample temperatures and longer sample humidity times during daylight exposure. The temperature of the black box sample is comparable to that on the hood, roof and deck cover of a car parked in the sun. ASTM STP 781 gives the relative rates of gloss loss and color change resulting from exposure to procedure A in certain automotive coatings. four

5.2.2 The weathering accelerated degradation described in procedure C is generated by reflecting sunlight from ten mirrors onto the air-cooled sample area. Sekitar 1400 MJ/m2 in the central Arizona climate received UV radiation exposure (295 to 385nm) during a typical year when the samples were exposed to these devices. In comparison, sekitar 333 MJ/m2 central Arizona latitude exposure and 280 MJ/m2 Southern Florida latitude exposure to UV radiation during the same time period. Namun, the test described in Procedure C only reflects the beam radiation onto the test sample. The reflected direct beam of sunlight contains a lower percentage of shortwave UV radiation than global daylight, because shortwave UV is more easily scattered by the atmosphere, and because mirrors are generally less efficient at shorter UV wavelengths. The level of UV radiation exposure should not be used to calculate the acceleration coefficient because the acceleration depends on the material.

5.3 Due to differences in ultraviolet (UV) radiation, waktu basah, suhu, kontaminan, dan faktor lainnya, the weather resistance of coatings for outdoor use can vary considerably depending on the geographical location of exposure. Karena itu, it cannot be assumed that the results of a single exposure at a single location will help determine the relative weatherability of different locations. Exposure is recommended at multiple locations with different climates that represent a wide range of expected use conditions to determine weather resistance and/or service life.

ASTM D 4141-2022 Darkbox dan Paparan Sinar Matahari Terkonsentrasi untuk Pelapis

5.4 Karena variabilitas iklim tahunan, hasil uji paparan tunggal tidak dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi laju absolut degradasi material.

Catatan 3: Repeated exposures of three or more years, starting at different times of the year, are typically required to obtain “rata-rata” test results for a given location.

5.4.1 The degradation curves of many coatings are not linear functions of exposure time or radiation exposure. When short exposures are used as an indicator of weather resistance, the results obtained may not be representative of those obtained for long exposures.

Catatan 4: Guidance G141 provides information to address variability in exposure testing for non-metallic materials. Guidance G169 provides information on applying statistics to exposure test results.

5.5 It is recommended that at least one control material be used in any exposure assessment. The control material is used to compare the performance of the test material relative to the control when the materials are not ranked against each other. The reference material used shall have a similar composition and structure to the test material and shall have known weather resistance. Two control materials are recommended, one with relatively good weather resistance and one with poor weather resistance.

ASTM D 4141-2022 Darkbox dan Paparan Sinar Matahari Terkonsentrasi untuk Pelapis

Ruang lingkup
1.1 The practice covers two accelerated outdoor exposure procedures for assessing the external weather resistance of coatings applied to substrates.

1.2 The two processes are as follows:

1.2.1 Prosedur A — Black box Exposure.

1.2.2 Program CFresnel reflector rack exposure.

Catatan 1: Procedure B describes the heating black box subprocedure, which is no longer in common use and has been removed from the 2014 revision of this standard.

1.3 This standard does not cover all procedures that can be used by users to accelerate the outdoor exposure of coatings. Other procedures are used to provide specific effects; Namun, the two processes described here are widely used.

1.4 Values expressed in SI units or ink-pound units should be treated separately as standard values. Nilai yang ditentukan pada setiap sistem belum tentu sama; Karena itu, untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap standar, setiap sistem harus digunakan secara independen satu sama lain dan nilai-nilai dari kedua sistem tidak boleh digabungkan.

ASTM D 4141-2022 Darkbox dan Paparan Sinar Matahari Terkonsentrasi untuk Pelapis

1.5 Standar ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi semua masalah keselamatan, jika ada, terkait dengan penggunaannya. Pengguna standar ini bertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan keselamatan yang sesuai, praktik kesehatan dan lingkungan dan untuk menentukan penerapan pembatasan peraturan sebelum digunakan.

1.6 Standar internasional ini telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip standardisasi yang diakui secara internasional yang ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Prinsip-Prinsip Pengembangan Standar Internasional, Pedoman dan Rekomendasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Hambatan Teknis Perdagangan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia.

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