ASTM D4941-2021 Persiapan Pigmen Pasta untuk Pelukis

Arti dan Tujuan
5.1 Quality standards for artist paints require the assessment of various appearance characteristics of the paint film. The determination of colouration strength (test method D4838) specifically requires preparation of the drafting for colorimetric measurements. Other evaluations, such as color designation, transparansi, kilap, and chromatic aberration measurements, also require a retracted sample.

5.2 Artis’ tube paints have a pasty consistency, which makes it difficult to use traditional methods of film application, especially for dry oil paints.

5.3 The artist’s pigments differ in two attributes that are important for film preparation, namely transparency and drying time. Colorimetric determination and some other types of evaluation require paint specimens that completely conceal the substrate. Very transparent coatings require such a thick film to produce a complete masking effect that the drying time is too long or the surface of the specimen is defective. When complete concealment is required, this practice aims to provide opaque films without these defects by applying a series of films.

ASTM D4941-2021 Persiapan Pigmen Pasta untuk Pelukis

Ruang lingkup
1.1 This practice includes the production of homogeneous films of artist tube paint and other non-flowing pigment coatings using paint coaters designed for low-viscosity coatings.

1.2 Includes information on how to obtain opaque specimens from these coatings.

1.3 Nilai yang dinyatakan dalam satuan SI harus dianggap sebagai standar. Nilai yang diberikan dalam tanda kurung hanya untuk referensi.

1.4 Standar ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi semua masalah keselamatan, jika ada, terkait dengan penggunaannya. Pengguna standar ini bertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan keselamatan yang sesuai, praktik kesehatan dan lingkungan dan untuk menentukan penerapan pembatasan peraturan sebelum digunakan.

1.5 Standar internasional ini telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip standardisasi yang diakui secara internasional yang ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Prinsip-Prinsip Pengembangan Standar Internasional, Pedoman dan Rekomendasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Hambatan Teknis Perdagangan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia.

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