Analisis terminologi ruang uji lingkungan

Analisis terminologi ruang uji lingkungan Volume alat uji: refers to the actual volume of the space limited by the inner wall of the environmental test chamber, which is 80 liter, 100 liter, etc Working space: refers to the part of the environment test chamber that can keep the specified test conditions within the specified deviation range For example: you test how big electronic products, how much to put at one time, etc Stable state of the test chamber: refers...

Apa prinsip kerja alat uji penuaan lampu xenon?

Apa prinsip kerja alat uji penuaan lampu xenon?   Alat uji penuaan lampu Xenon digunakan untuk mensimulasikan kondisi cuaca seperti paparan sinar matahari, kondensasi hujan dan embun, untuk menguji ketahanan material dalam lingkungan yang terang dan basah. Peralatan uji penuaan lampu Xenon memberikan simulasi penuaan material yang dipercepat pada lingkungan yang ringan dan basah, dapat mengontrol intensitas cahaya untuk mencapai efek uji uji yang dipercepat, the light intensity and different wavelengths will affect the performance stability of the...

Catatan tentang keseimbangan presisi

Catatan tentang keseimbangan presisi Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, keseimbangan presisi adalah sejenis instrumen elektronik presisi, which is widely used in laboratory and medical fields.This electronic balance uses a higher precision sensor and more control chip, so it has higher precision and sensitivity than ordinary electronic balance.Although the precision balance has many advantages, it is easy to be interfered by external factors, electromagnetic and other factors, which will produce certain errors. So how can we improve the accuracy...

Penentuan permeabilitas udara kertas

Dasar-dasar Metode perbedaan tekanan digunakan untuk menempatkan sampel yang telah diproses sebelumnya antara permukaan pengukuran atas dan bawah, dan perbedaan tekanan konstan terbentuk di kedua sisi sampel. Di bawah aksi perbedaan tekanan, gas mengalir dari sisi bertekanan tinggi melalui sampel ke sisi bertekanan rendah, dan permeabilitas sampel dihitung menurut luasnya, perbedaan tekanan dan aliran melalui sampel. Definition of breathability Average air flow through paper...

Alat pengukur kekasaran dapat dipasangkan dengan beberapa sensor

Alat pengukur kekasaran dapat dipasangkan dengan beberapa sensor Saat kita mengukur benda kerja yang berbeda, we will match different sensors for measurement.So how many sensors can roughness gauge be matched with?How many sensors are there?The following Xiaobian to answer Sensors are divided into: 1. Standard sensors Standard sensors use the most sensors, it can measure most of the plane, inclined plane, conical surface, lubang bagian dalam, groove and other surface roughness, can be carried out hand-held measurement, in addition to the standard sensor, other sensors need...

Apa saja faktor yang mempengaruhi keakuratan pengukuran alat pengukur ketebalan lapisan

Deskripsi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keakuratan pengukuran pengukur ketebalan lapisan A) Magnetic properties of the base metal Thickness measurement by magnetic method is affected by the change of the magnetic properties of the base metal (dalam aplikasi praktis, perubahan sifat magnetik baja karbon rendah dapat dianggap kecil). Untuk menghindari pengaruh perlakuan panas dan faktor kerja dingin, the standard sheet with the same properties as the sample base metal should...

Memahami prinsip dan penerapan instrumen kekasaran permukaan

Instrumen kekasaran disebut juga instrumen kekasaran permukaan, instrumen penyelesaian permukaan, detektor kekasaran permukaan, alat ukur kekasaran, pengukur kekasaran, roughness tester and other names. It was first developed and produced abroad and then introduced into China. Roughness meter measuring the surface roughness of workpieces, put the sensors on the workpiece surface to be tested, by instrument internal drive mechanism drive the sensor do constant speed glide along the surface to be tested, sharp sensor through the built-in stylus feel the...

Penting untuk memahami prinsip teknis pengukur ketebalan lapisan

Prinsip pengukuran hisap magnetik Besarnya daya hisap antar magnet (menguji) and the magnetic steel is proportional to the distance between the two, which is the thickness of the coating.Using this principle to make a thickness gauge, as long as the difference between the magnetic conductivity of the coating and the substrate is large enough, it can be measured.Since most industrial products are made of structural steel and hot and cold rolled steel sheets, magnetic thickness gauges are...