Masalah umum dan solusi instrumen ketebalan film

Pengukur ketebalan film adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur ketebalan suatu film atau lapisan, also known as a film thickness meter. It can measure the thickness of the film or coating, so that the quality of the material can be evaluated and controlled.

Common problems and solutions
Instrument readings inaccurate: inspection instrument calibration and calibration of the situation, apakah perlu kalibrasi ulang atau kalibrasi; Periksa persiapan permukaan sampel, seperti apakah ada oksida atau kotoran, dll.. Periksa apakah probe dan metode pengukuran instrumen sudah benar, pilih probe dan metode pengukuran yang sesuai; Ensure that the instrument of temperature and humidity conditions meet the requirements.

Masalah umum dan solusi instrumen ketebalan film

Unstable instrument reading: periksa kondisi lingkungan pembacaan instrumen, seperti apakah ada sumber interferensi, apakah ada sumber radiasi, dll., should be away from interference sources; Periksa apakah probe instrumen dan metode pengukuran sudah benar, sesuaikan probe dan metode pengukuran untuk meningkatkan akurasi pengukuran; Check instrument power supply situation, to ensure stable power supply.

Instrument malfunction: inspection instrument for appearance damage or parts damage, seperti apakah ada konektor yang longgar atau kerusakan probe; Periksa catu daya instrumen, apakah ada masalah listrik; See if there are internal components damaged, such as the need to replace parts or repairs, should contact professionals for processing.

Instrument shows there are residual data or letters on the screen: clean the instrument display screen, use special cleaner or cloth to wipe the screen.

Masalah umum dan solusi instrumen ketebalan film

Instrument reading is too large or too small: check whether the probe is tilted or placed uneven, adjust the position of the probe; Check whether need to replace the probe because the probe damage can also affect reading.

Instrument drift: check whether the instrument is running in the right environment, such as temperature and humidity; Check the probe for damage or damaged wiring and repair or replace it; Recalipay the zero point of the instrument to ensure the zero point is accurate.

Measurement deviation of the instrument: check whether the instrument needs to be calibrated, if so, follow the instructions of the operation manual; Check whether the connector of the probe is loose or needs replacing; Check whether there is interference source and keep it away from interference source; Check whether the sample surface is in normal condition, if the sample surface needs to be reprocessed; Check whether the size of the probe and measuring method is suitable for the samples.

Other instrument failures, such as noise, abnormal display, dll.. : contact the manufacturer or maintenance personnel for inspection and maintenance in time.

Masalah umum dan solusi instrumen ketebalan film

Before using film thickness gauge, read manual carefully and understand the use of the instrument and matters needing attention.

Selama pengukuran, memastikan bahwa permukaan sampel disiapkan untuk memenuhi persyaratan agar tidak mempengaruhi keakuratan pengukuran.

Calibration and calibration of the film thickness meter are carried out regularly to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results.

Jaga agar instrumen tetap bersih dan terawat untuk menghindari debu atau kotoran mempengaruhi instrumen.

When using film thickness gauge should pay attention to safety, ensure the safety of the operator.

Kesimpulannya, in order to maintain the accuracy and stability of the film thickness meter, we need to carry out regular calibration and calibration, and follow the instructions in the operation manual for correct operation. If there is a fault, it should be dealt with in time to ensure the normal use of the instrument.

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