Kinerja pengujian pelapis dinding eksterior dan peralatan terkait

Pelapis dinding eksterior adalah sejenis pelapis dekoratif dan pelindung yang dilapisi pada permukaan dinding luar bangunan, mainly used for waterproof, heat insulation, Anti karat, beautification and other purposes. It has excellent weather resistance, stain resistance, wear resistance and UV resistance, which can effectively prevent wall corrosion, aging and fading, and improve the overall performance and beauty of the building. Exterior wall coatings are widely used in the decoration and protection of the exterior walls of various buildings such as residential buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings and public facilities.

Test performance and instruments
The following are the key properties to be tested and the instruments and equipment to be used:

Factor of performanceInstrumen dan perlengkapan
Warna dan kilapColorimeter, pengukur kilap
Tahan terhadap cuacaSpectral radiation test chamber, xenon lamp aging test chamber
Pollution resistance performancePollutant attachment performance testing equipment
Flaking resistancePeeling testing machine
Crack resistanceCrack resistance test equipment

Ketebalan ketebalan

Alat ukur ketebalan
Color difference and color changePengukur perbedaan warna

Kinerja pengujian pelapis dinding eksterior dan peralatan terkait

Detection method steps
The following are the properties that need to be tested for exterior wall coatings and their testing steps:

Warna dan kilap: Test with colorimeter and gloss meter under standard light source and record test results.

Tahan terhadap cuaca: Use spectral radiation test chamber or xenon lamp aging test chamber to test the weather resistance of the coating, dan catat hasil tesnya.

Resistensi polusi: Test the pollution resistance of the coating using the pollutant attachment performance testing equipment, dan catat hasil tesnya.

Kinerja pengujian pelapis dinding eksterior dan peralatan terkait

Spalling resistance: Use the spalling testing machine to test the spalling resistance of the coating and record the test results.

Crack resistance: Use crack resistance test equipment to test the crack resistance of the coating and record the test results.

Ketebalan: Use the thickness tester to test the thickness of the coating and record the test results.

Color difference and color difference change: use the color difference meter to test the color difference and color difference change of the coating, dan catat hasil tesnya.

The above is the key detection performance of exterior wall coating and its corresponding detection method, for reference only.

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