Catatan panduan pemilihan papan kehalusan

Apa itu kehalusan?

Kehalusan merupakan indikator penting untuk memeriksa ukuran partikel atau keseragaman dispersi cat atau pasta cat, biasanya dinyatakan dalam mikron (m). Kehalusan lapisan secara langsung mempengaruhi kilapnya, penampilan, ketahanan korosi dan stabilitas penyimpanan lapisan. Secara umum, semakin kecil partikel pigmennya, semakin tinggi dispersinya, semakin halus kehalusannya, semakin halus lapisan catnya, dan semakin baik efek dekoratifnya.


Catatan panduan pemilihan papan kehalusan

Prinsip papan kehalusan

Kehalusan biasanya diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur kehalusan scraper. Ini terdiri dari pelat yang dipoles dan pengikis dengan satu atau dua alur dalam bertingkat yang sejajar dengan sisi panjangnya. This design allows the groove depth to gradually decrease from one end to zero, allowing different pigments to be measured.

Fineness board classification

Groove style distinction: single slot (standar, small single slot, large single slot) and double slot (standar, small double slot, large double slot)

Range differentiation: 015μm~500μm

Resolution differentiation: usually 1μm~5μm, the specific indexing values correspond to different ranges

Unit classification: micron (satu), Hegeman (H), MILS, North (PCU)


Catatan panduan pemilihan papan kehalusan

How to select fineness plate

Estimated fineness value, 30μm and below, select 50μm range scraper fineness meter; 31~70μm select 100μm range scraper fineness meter; Choose a 150μm range scraper fineness meter above 70μm. When there is no specific concept, ask the sample type:, understand the sample fineness range, select the corresponding range. Or understand the standard requirements, according to the relevant standards specify the fineness range to choose.

Single slot and double slot

Double-slot fineness plates improve reproducibility and reproducibility because they can be tested twice at the same time, especially in situations where high accuracy is required.


Catatan panduan pemilihan papan kehalusan

Reasons for price differences

Costs vary mainly because of differences in manufacturing accuracy and materials. Cheaper products may sacrifice precision and durability, while high-quality fineness boards require precise manufacturing and verification processes.


* Special materials such as corrosion-resistant materials such as ceramics can be used when there is a corrosive demand, not all suppliers can provide all types of fineness plates, especially when special materials and high precision requirements, you need to carefully choose the right supplier. Through the above guidance, I hope you can more clearly choose the fineness board that suits your needs. Remember, the right tools can increase productivity and ensure the final effect of paints and pigments.

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