ISO 17895-2005 “Penentuan Kandungan Senyawa Organik Yang Mudah Menguap pada Cat Lateks VOC Rendah untuk Pewarnaan dan Pernis (tangki VOC)”

Kata Pengantar
ISO (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi) adalah aliansi global badan standar nasional (badan anggota ISO). Pengembangan standar internasional biasanya dilakukan melalui komite teknis ISO. Setiap lembaga anggota yang berminat pada suatu mata pelajaran yang telah dibentuk panitia teknisnya berhak untuk diwakili dalam panitia tersebut. Organisasi internasional pemerintah dan non-pemerintah yang berhubungan dengan organisasi standardisasi juga terlibat dalam pekerjaan ini. ISO bekerja sama dengan Komisi Elektroteknik Internasional (IEC) tentang segala hal standardisasi kelistrikan.

Standar internasional disusun berdasarkan aturan yang diberikan di Bagian 2 dari Petunjuk ISO/IEC.

Tugas utama komite teknis adalah mengembangkan standar internasional. Rancangan standar internasional yang diadopsi oleh Komite Teknis akan diedarkan ke badan-badan anggota untuk pemungutan suara. Publikasi sebagai standar internasional memerlukan persetujuan paling sedikit 75% dari lembaga-lembaga anggota.

Harap dicatat bahwa isi tertentu dari dokumen ini mungkin memiliki hak paten. ISO tidak bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi salah satu atau seluruh hak paten tersebut.

ISO 17895 dikembangkan oleh Komite Teknis ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishments.

ISO 17895-2005 “Penentuan Kandungan Senyawa Organik Yang Mudah Menguap pada Cat Lateks VOC Rendah untuk Pewarnaan dan Pernis (tangki VOC)”

For health and environmental reasons, the requirements imposed by the authorities today include the assessment of the content of residual monomers and organic saturated volatiles, sometimes accurate to trace amounts.

This international standard is one of a series of standards dealing with the VOC content of paints, varices and related products: ISO 11890-1 (see bibliography) specifies the method for determining VOC content greater than 15% (by mass), ISO 11890-2 applies to VOC content between 0.1% Dan 15% (by mass).

This INTERNATIONAL standard describes a method for determining the VOC content between 0.01% Dan 0.1% (by mass). In contrast to ISO 11890-1 dan ISO 11890-2, this standard applies to volatile organic compounds with boiling points up to 250°C.

1 Cakupan
This standard specifies a gas chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) isi (yaitu. the content of organic compounds with boiling points up to 250°C) in a low VOC content latex paint (tangki VOC) under standard conditions (101,325 kPa). The method is suitable for VOC content ranging from 0.01% ke 0.1% (by mass).

The main purpose of this method was to identify low VOC latex paints rather than conventional quality control.

2 Acuan normatif
Referensi berikut diperlukan untuk penerapan dokumen ini. Untuk referensi bertanggal, hanya versi yang dikutip yang berlaku. Untuk referensi tidak bertanggal, referensi versi baru (termasuk revisi apa pun) berlaku.

ISO 2811-1, Cat dan pernis — Penentuan kepadatan — Bagian 1: Metode botol gravitasi spesifik

ISO 2811-2, Cat dan pernis — Penentuan kepadatan — Bagian 2: immersion (plunge) metode

ISO 2811-3, cat dan pernis — Penentuan kepadatan — Bagian 3: oscillatory method

ISO 2811-4, cat dan pernis — Penentuan kepadatan — Bagian 4: pressure cup method

ISO 3696, penggunaan air laboratorium analitik – spesifikasi dan metode pengujian

ISO 15528, Cat, pernis dan bahan baku cat dan pernis — Contoh

ISO 17895-2005 “Penentuan Kandungan Senyawa Organik Yang Mudah Menguap pada Cat Lateks VOC Rendah untuk Pewarnaan dan Pernis (tangki VOC)”

3 Istilah dan definisi
Untuk keperluan dokumen ini, istilah dan definisi berikut berlaku.

3.1 Volatile Organic Compounds

Any organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact

Catatan 1: For current usage of the term VOC in the field of coatings, see Volatile Organic Compound content (VOC content).

Catatan 2: Under U.S. government legislation, the term VOC is limited to those compounds that are photochemically active in the atmosphere (see ASTM D 3960). Any other compounds are then defined as exempt compounds.

[Sumber: ISO 4618]

3.2 Volatile organic compound content

The quality of volatile organic compounds present in the coating material, determined under the specified conditions

Catatan 1: The nature and number of compounds to be considered will depend on the application area of the coating material. For each application area, limit values and determination or calculation methods are specified by regulation 1) or agreement.

[Sumber: ISO 4618]

3.3 Volatile organic compounds in the tank

Volatile organic compounds present in waterborne latex paint

3.4 Latex paint

The organic adhesive is a coating of water-based dispersion

[Sumber: ISO 4618]

3.5 Complete evaporation

Method of transferring VOC from liquid to gas phase in liquid sample

Catatan 1: Although a headspace injector with a diaphragm sealed vial is used to introduce the test portion of the gas phase into the column, the complete evaporation method differs significantly from conventional headspace analysis where equilibrium is established. Since the sample bottle contains a very small amount of sample, almost all VOC will enter the gas phase when heated to a certain temperature [3].

ISO 17895-2005 “Penentuan Kandungan Senyawa Organik Yang Mudah Menguap pada Cat Lateks VOC Rendah untuk Pewarnaan dan Pernis (tangki VOC)”

3.6 Stock solution reference compound mixture

Mixtures prepared from pure substances for use in standard addition methods

Catatan 1: The concentration of the reference compound mixture in the stock solution is determined by the initial mass number of each component in the sample and its purity.

3.7 Multiple standard addition methods

Method for determining the VOC content of a mixture of reserve compounds by adding known amounts of reference compounds to a sample

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