ISO 3892-2000 “Film transformasi pada bahan logam – Pengukuran massa lapisan film per satuan luas – metode gravimetri”

Kata Pengantar
ISO (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi) adalah aliansi global badan standar nasional (badan anggota ISO). Pengembangan standar internasional biasanya dilakukan melalui komite teknis ISO. Setiap lembaga anggota yang berminat pada suatu mata pelajaran yang telah dibentuk panitia teknisnya berhak untuk diwakili dalam panitia tersebut. Organisasi internasional pemerintah dan non-pemerintah yang berhubungan dengan organisasi standardisasi juga terlibat dalam pekerjaan ini. ISO bekerja sama dengan Komisi Elektroteknik Internasional (IEC) tentang segala hal standardisasi kelistrikan.

Standar internasional disusun berdasarkan aturan yang diberikan di Bagian 3 dari Petunjuk ISO/IEC.

Rancangan standar internasional yang diadopsi oleh Komite Teknis akan diedarkan ke badan-badan anggota untuk pemungutan suara. As members of the international standard release need at least 75% of the agency for approval.

Please note that some of the elements of this standard may be has been the subject of patent rights. ISO tidak bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi salah satu atau seluruh hak paten tersebut.

International standard ISO3892 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 107, Pelapis logam dan anorganik lainnya, Subkomite SC 2, Coordination of inspection methods and test methods.

Second edition cancel and replace the first edition (ISO 3892:1980), the revised version has been technology.

Peringatan – The materials, operations and equipment listed in this standard may be dangerous if appropriate precautions are not followed. This international standard is not intended to address all safety issues associated with its use. It is the user’s responsibility to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of international standards before use of regulatory restrictions.

ISO 3892-2000 “Film transformasi pada bahan logam – Pengukuran massa lapisan film per satuan luas – metode gravimetri”

1 Cakupan
This standard specifies the gravimetric method for determining conversion coating per unit area on metallic materials.

Method applicable to the

phosphate coating on steel;

Phosphate coating on zinc and cadmium;

phosphate coating on aluminium and its alloys;

Chromate coating on zinc and cadmium;

the chromate coating on aluminium and its alloys.

ISO 3892-2000 “Film transformasi pada bahan logam – Pengukuran massa lapisan film per satuan luas – metode gravimetri”

The method is only applicable to conversion coatings that do not contain any complementary coatings such as oil, water or solvent-based polymers or waxes.

Whether exist in these methods are not indicating measurement area bare spots or thickness is lower than the specified minimum value. Selain itu, single values obtained from each measurement area is the average thickness of the region. Will not further mathematical analysis on the single value, Misalnya, for the purpose of statistical control.

Only standard piece of information is public. Untuk melihat konten selengkapnya, you need to buy the standard through normal channels.

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