ISO 4526-2004 “Pelapisan nikel untuk rekayasa pelapisan logam”

kata pengantar
ISO (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi) adalah aliansi global badan standar nasional (badan anggota ISO). Pengembangan standar internasional biasanya dilakukan melalui komite teknis ISO. Setiap lembaga anggota yang tertarik pada suatu mata pelajaran yang telah dibentuk komite teknisnya berhak untuk diwakili dalam komite tersebut. Organisasi pemerintah dan non-pemerintah internasional yang bekerja sama dengan ISO juga terlibat dalam pekerjaan ini. ISO bekerja sama dengan Komisi Elektroteknik Internasional (IEC) tentang semua masalah standardisasi elektroteknik.

Standar internasional disusun sesuai dengan aturan yang diberikan di Bagian 2 dari Petunjuk ISO/IEC.

Tugas utama komite teknis adalah menetapkan standar internasional. Rancangan standar internasional yang diadopsi oleh Komite Teknis akan diedarkan ke badan-badan anggota untuk pemungutan suara. Publikasi sebagai standar internasional memerlukan persetujuan paling sedikit 75% dari badan anggota.

Harap dicatat bahwa isi tertentu dari dokumen ini mungkin memiliki hak paten. ISO tidak bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi salah satu atau semua paten tersebut.

ISO 4526 dikembangkan oleh Komite Teknis ISO/TC 107, Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings, Subkomite SC 3, Electrodeposited Coatings and Related Finishes.

Edisi kedua membatalkan dan menggantikan edisi pertama yang direvisi secara teknis (ISO 4526:1984).

ISO 4526-2004 “Pelapisan nikel untuk rekayasa pelapisan logam”

Engineered nickel coatings are specified for a variety of applications, such as increased hardness, wear and corrosion resistance, load-bearing characteristics, heat and scale resistance, corrosion fatigue resistance, and other improvements in surface properties. Electrodeposited nickel is also used in engineering applications to rescue worn or improperly processed finished products and is used in combination with other metal coatings as a diffusion barrier. Engineered nickel coatings typically contain more than 99% nickel and are usually electrodeposited by addition-free solutions of watt or nickel sulfonate. Typical solution compositions, operating conditions, and mechanical properties of electrical deposits for these solutions are given in Appendix A.

Organic additive particles (such as silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, alumina, chromium carbide, and other substances) can be introduced into these solutions when it is necessary to increase hardness, improve wear resistance, modify stress values within the sediment, and enhance leveling characteristics. Sulfur-containing organic additives should be used to increase hardness and reduce residual internal stress only if the end use involves exposure to low or moderate temperatures. High temperature exposure of nickel coatings containing sulfur may lead to embrittlement and cracking of coatings. The effect is time-dependent and may become noticeable at 150°C if heated long enough.

One noteworthy trend is the increasing use of nickel alloy plating process in engineering applications. These include binary alloys of nickel with cobalt, besi, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus and tungsten.

1 jangkauan
This standard specifies requirements for electroplated nickel and nickel alloy coatings of ferrous and non-ferrous base metals used for engineering purposes.

Binary nickel alloys where nickel is a minor component are excluded from the scope of this standard.

The designation provides a means of specifying the type and thickness of nickel and nickel alloy coatings suitable for engineering applications.

ISO 4526-2004 “Pelapisan nikel untuk rekayasa pelapisan logam”

2 Acuan normatif
Dokumen referensi berikut tidak tersedia atau tersedia untuk digunakan dalam dokumen ini. Untuk referensi bertanggal, versi hanya kutipan berlaku. Untuk referensi tidak bertanggal, referensi versi baru (termasuk revisi apa pun) berlaku.

ISO 1463, metallic and oxide coatings – Pengukuran ketebalan lapisan – Microscopic method

ISO 2064, Metallic and other Inorganic coatings – Definisi dan praktik yang berkaitan dengan pengukuran ketebalan

ISO 2079, Surface treatments and metallic CoatingsGeneral classification of terms

ISO 2080, Electroplating and related processes — Kosakata

– ISO 2177, metallic coatings – Pengukuran ketebalan lapisan – anode dissolution Coulomb method

– ISO 2361, electrolytic nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates – Pengukuran ketebalan lapisan – Magnetic methods

ISO 2819, Metallic Coatings on Metallic substratesElectrodeposited and chemically deposited coatingsexamines methods that may be used to test adhesion

ISO 3497, metallic coatings – Pengukuran ketebalan lapisan – X-ray spectroscopy

– ISO 3543, metallic and non-metallic coatingsMeasurement of thicknessbeta backscattering method

– ISO 3882, Metallic and other Inorganic CoatingsReview of thickness measurement methods

ISO 4516, Pelapis logam dan anorganik lainnya — Vickers and Knower microhardness tests

– ISO 4519, Electrodeposited metallic coatings and associated finishesSampling procedure for inspection by attribute

– ISO 8401, Metallic CoatingsReview of ductility measurement methods

– ISO 9220, Metallic coatings – Pengukuran ketebalan lapisan – scanning electron microscopy

– ISO 9587, Pelapis logam dan anorganik lainnya – Pretreatment of iron or steel to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittance

– ISO 9588, Metallic and other Inorganic CoatingsPost-treatment of iron or steel coatings to reduce hydrogen embrittleness risk

ISO 10289, Corrosion test methods for metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substratesRating of specimens and finished products subjected to corrosion tests

ISO 10587, Metal and other inorganic coatingsResidual embrittlement test for metal-coated and uncoated external threaded articles and barsinclined wedge method

– ISO 12686, Pelapis logam dan anorganik lainnya – Automatic controlled shot peening of metallic products prior to nickel, autocatalytic nickel or chromium plating or as a final finish

– ISO 15724, Metals and other inorganic coatingsElectrochemical measurement of diffusible hydrogen in steelbarnacle electrode method

DI DALAM 12508, Corrosion protection of metals and alloysSurface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings – Kosakata

3 Istilah dan Definisi
Untuk keperluan dokumen ini, istilah dan definisi yang diberikan dalam ISO 2064, ISO 2079, ISO 2080 and EN 12508 apply.

Hanya bagian informasi standar yang bersifat publik. Untuk melihat konten selengkapnya, Anda perlu membeli standar melalui saluran resmi.

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