Sifat utama dan metode pengujian pelapis lantai epoksi

Pelapis lantai resin epoksi adalah sejenis pelapis yang diaplikasikan pada tanah, terutama terdiri dari resin epoksi, curing agent, filler and solvent. They can be applied to all kinds of ground, such as factories, tempat parkir, shopping malls, hospitals, sekolah, dll., with wear-resistant, tahan debu, Anti karat, easy to clean and other characteristics, while improving the appearance and service life of the ground. Epoxy floor coating has the advantages of high strength, high wear resistance, high adhesion, and can withstand heavy loads and high traffic flow, which is suitable for various commercial and industrial sites.

Nama pertunjukanPeralatan yang akan digunakan
Thickness of thicknessPengukur ketebalan
Kekerasan kekerasanBabbitt hardness tester
Strength of compressionCompression testing machine
Ketahanan terhadap abrasiMesin penguji keausan
Strength of bondShear strength tester
Coefficient of expansionThermal expansion coefficient tester
Ketahanan terhadap bahan kimiaPenguji kimia
Tahan airPabrik sirkulasi air

Sifat utama dan metode pengujian pelapis lantai epoksi

Testing steps:

Ketebalan: Use a thickness meter to measure the thickness of the epoxy floor coating, mencatat nilai terukur dan menghitung nilai rata-ratanya.

Kekerasan: The hardness of the epoxy floor coating was measured using a Pasteurizer, and the measured value was recorded and the average value was calculated.

Kekuatan tekan: Compression tests were performed using a compression testing machine, test data were recorded and compressive strength was calculated.

Ketahanan aus: Uji keausan dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin uji keausan, data pengujian dicatat dan ketahanan aus dihitung.

Kekuatan ikatan: Shear tests were performed using a shear strength tester, test data were recorded and bond strength was calculated.

Expansion coefficient: Use thermal expansion coefficient tester to measure the expansion coefficient of epoxy floor coating, mencatat nilai terukur dan menghitung nilai rata-ratanya.

Ketahanan terhadap bahan kimia: Use chemical tester to test the chemical resistance of epoxy floor coating.

Tahan air: Place the epoxy floor paint in water using a water circulation device, record time and observe the change of the coating.

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