Sifat utama lapisan koil dan metode pendeteksiannya

Lapisan koil adalah lapisan yang diaplikasikan pada permukaan bahan koil atau film, usually consisting of polymers, pigmen, and additives. They can be applied in many different fields, such as building roofing, insulating materials, otomotif, and aviation, among others. Coil coatings have good water resistance, weather resistance and UV resistance, which can improve the service life and performance of materials.

Kinerja deteksi

Nama pertunjukanPeralatan yang akan digunakan
Thickness of thicknessPengukur ketebalan
Tingkat viskositasViscosity gauge
Kekuatan keteganganMesin uji tarik
Perpanjangan saat putusMesin uji tarik
Tahan airPabrik sirkulasi air
Ketahanan terhadap cuacaUltraviolet aging test chamber
Uv resistanceUltraviolet aging test chamber
Strength of bondShear strength tester
Coefficient of expansionThermal expansion coefficient tester

Sifat utama lapisan koil dan metode pendeteksiannya

Langkah deteksi
Ketebalan: Use a thickness gauge to measure the thickness of the coil coating, mencatat nilai terukur dan menghitung nilai rata-ratanya.

Viskositas: Use a viscometer to measure the viscosity of the coil coating, mencatat nilai terukur dan menghitung nilai rata-ratanya.

Kekuatan tarik dan perpanjangan putus: uji tarik dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin uji tarik, data pengujian dicatat dan kekuatan tarik serta perpanjangan putus dihitung.

Tahan air: Place the coil coating in water using a water circulation device, catat waktu dan amati perubahan lapisannya.

Sifat utama lapisan koil dan metode pendeteksiannya

Weather resistance and UV resistance: use UV aging test chamber to simulate solar radiation and atmospheric environment, observe the changes of coil coating.

Kekuatan ikatan: Shear tests were performed using a shear strength tester, test data were recorded and bond strength was calculated.

Expansion coefficient: The expansion coefficient of the coil coating was measured using a thermal expansion coefficient tester, and the measured value was recorded and the average value was calculated.

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