Alat Analisis Hidrogen Oksigen Oh-330



Alat Analisis Hidrogen Oksigen Oh-330, Oxygen Purity Tester, Elemental Analyzer
Profil Produk:

Memutuskan untuk memimpin adalah teknologi, tetapi juga kualitas yang stabil dan dapat diandalkan. The new generation of oxygen and hydrogen analyzer breaks through the past with a new attitude. It not only has the advanced design of the whole machine integration and modularity, but also has high-precision and high-reliability parts, as well as reliable pulse electrode furnace, reliable and durable power supply, advanced and stable circuit system, reasonable layout and good air tightness gas circuit system, highly sensitive and high-precision detection system. Lebih berbasis sistem operasi Windows10 yang kuat, sederhana, practical analysis software, so as to bring you more cost-effective products. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan hubungi kami.

Alat Analisis Hidrogen Oksigen Oh-330, Oxygen Purity Tester, Elemental Analyzer
Parameter teknik:

Jenis instrumenONH-330
Elemen analitisOxygen, hydrogen
Bahan analisisLogam besi, logam non-besi, ceramic materials, superconducting materials, semiconductor materials and other metallic non-metallic inorganic materials. Seperti: baja, besi, tembaga, zirkonium, titanium, tantalum, niobium, rare earth, keramik, paduan keras……
Prinsip analisisInert melting method, infrared method to measure oxygen, thermal conductivity method to measure nitrogen, hydrogen
Waktu analisisBiasanya, it ranges from 120 to 180s
Rentang analisisOxygen: 0.00001% ~ 5.0% Other analysis ranges are optional

Hydrogen: 0.00001% ke 0.25% Other analysis ranges are optional

Minimal membaca0.000001%
Akurasi analitisOxygen: 0.0001% or RSDS ≤1.0% to meet one of the two

Hydrogen: 0.00002% or RSDS ≤2.0%

Akurasi keseimbangan0.0001 G
Electrode furnace≤8kw
Saat ini≤1500A
Maximum temperature> 3000 °C
Reagen kimiamagnesium perklorat, asbes alkali, copper oxide, Schutz reagent
Ukuran instrumenW700*D770*H820mm
Berat instrumenAbout 190Kg

Alat Analisis Hidrogen Oksigen Oh-330, Oxygen Purity Tester, Elemental Analyzer
Profil Produk:

Memutuskan untuk memimpin adalah teknologi, tetapi juga kualitas yang stabil dan dapat diandalkan. The new generation of oxygen and hydrogen analyzer breaks through the past with a new attitude. It not only has the advanced design of the whole machine integration and modularity, but also has high-precision and high-reliability parts, as well as reliable pulse electrode furnace, reliable and durable power supply, advanced and stable circuit system, reasonable layout and good air tightness gas circuit system, highly sensitive and high-precision detection system. Lebih berbasis sistem operasi Windows10 yang kuat, sederhana, practical analysis software, so as to bring you more cost-effective products. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan hubungi kami.

Alat Analisis Hidrogen Oksigen Oh-330

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