
R-350 rohs Analyzer rohs/elv Screening Halogen detection polybromobiphenyl detection
Parameter teknis

Instrument cavity dimensions439mmX300mmX150mmThe external dimension of the instrument550mmX410mmX320mm
weigh45kgSuhu kerja15-30ºC
Kelembaban relatif40% ~ 50%Sumber dayaAC :220V ±5V(Catu daya AC yang dimurnikan dan diatur direkomendasikan.)
Rentang analisis unsurdari belerang (S) menjadi uranium (kamu)Element content analysis rangesfrom 1 PPm ke 99.99%
Waktu pengukuran100-300 detikEnergy resolution149±5 elektron volt
The temperature adaptation range15ºC hingga 30ºC

Batas deteksi unsur berbahaya (terbatas pada Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br) ditetapkan dalam arahan RoHS hingga 1PPM

R-350 rohs Analyzer rohs/elv Screening Halogen detection polybromobiphenyl detection
1.6. Fitur Produk

1.6.1 R-350 is a product designed specifically for RoHS, EN71 dan arahan lingkungan lainnya.

1.6.2 Hancurkan desain instrumen linier tradisional dan adopsi desain bodi ramping yang terintegrasi, membuat instrumennya modis dan murah hati.

1.6.3 Adopt the new American Si-pin detector, which is electrically cooled instead of liquid nitrogen. It has small size, analisis data yang akurat dan biaya pemeliharaan yang rendah.

1.6.4 Sistem pemrosesan sinyal SES yang dikembangkan secara independen diadopsi untuk secara efektif meningkatkan sensitivitas pengukuran dan menjadikan pengukuran lebih akurat.

1.6.5 Tes otomatis satu tombol lebih sederhana, lebih nyaman dan lebih ramah pengguna.

1.6.6 Tujuh jenis sistem kolimasi koreksi jalur optik, sesuai dengan sampel yang berbeda secara otomatis beralih.

1.6.7 Beberapa desain kebocoran anti-radiasi, the radiation protection level is the Highest of similar products.

1.6.8 Desain pembuangan panas terintegrasi yang canggih sangat meningkatkan kinerja pembuangan panas seluruh alat berat dan memastikan keamanan pengoperasian komponen inti.

1.6.9 Unique movement temperature control technology ensures the safe and reliable operation of X-ray source, effectively prolongs its service life and reduces the operating cost.

1.6.10 Multiple instrument accessories protect the system, dan dapat dipantau melalui perangkat lunak, sehingga instrumen bekerja lebih stabil dan aman.

1.6.11Perangkat lunak pengujian khusus RoHS, desain Windows standar, antarmuka yang ramah, mudah dioperasikan.

1.6.12 Mesin ini mengadopsi antarmuka USB2.0 untuk memastikan keakuratan secara efektif, transmisi data berkecepatan tinggi dan efektif.

R-350 rohs Analyzer rohs/elv Screening Halogen detection polybromobiphenyl detection
2. The hardware part of the instrument is mainly configured

2.1Si-pin electric refrigeration semiconductor Detector: (the latest type of detector)

2.1.1. Si-pin electrically refrigerated semiconductor detector; Resolusi: 149±5 elektron volt

2.1.2. Amplifier circuit module: detect the characteristic X-ray of the sample; Take the information collected by the probe and enlarge it further.

2.2 X-ray Excitation Device:

2.2.1. Filament current Filament current output MAX: 1mA;

2.2.2. Part of half loss type, 50W, air cooled.

2.3 High-pressure launcher:

2.3.1. Voltage Voltage output MAX: 50KV;

2.3.2. Voltage output MIN: 5KV, controllable adjustment

2.3.3. Equipped with voltage overload protection

2.4 Multi-channel Analyzer:

2.4.1. Convert the collected analog signals into digital signals, and provide the processing results to the upper computer software.

2.4.2. Track number MAX: 4096;

2.4.3 Includes signal enhancement processing

2.5 Optical Path Filter Module

2.5.1 Reduce interference during X-ray path transmission to ensure accurate signal receiving by the detector.

2.5.2 Integrate the collimator with the filter;

2.6 Collimator Automatic switching Module

2.6.1 Hingga 8 choices, calibers are 8 #, 6 #, 4 #, 3 #, 2 #, 1 #, 0.5 #,0.2 #.

2.7 Filter automatic switching module

2.7.1 Free selection and switching of six filters.

2.8 Automatic selection module of working curve

2.8.1 Automatic selection of working curve, abandon manual selection, avoid human error, automatic and intelligent

The interpretation is more perfect, so that the operation is more human, lebih nyaman.

R-350 rohs Analyzer rohs/elv Screening Halogen detection polybromobiphenyl detection
3. Dedicated software JPSPEC-FP

3.1.1 Software Introduction

Specially developed for RoHS detection, data processing, calculation and report the measurement results of the acquired spectral signal.

3.1.2 Function Description

It is specially designed to test the six elements Cd, hal, HG, Br, Cr and Cl of the six substances in the EU RoHS Directive, and the measurement time is 100-300 detik

Simple and intuitive operation interface, mudah digunakan, without professional operation

As shown in the picture below:

Detektor RoHS R-350

Detektor RoHS R-350

1.Suitable calibration curve can be selected automatically, making the measurement more convenient and accurate.

2.Chinese and English interface automatically switches, and has the function of third-party language customization

3.Automatic calibration instrument.

4.It comes with qualitative analysis of sample material to prevent manual users from choosing wrong curve Print multiple report forms.

5.Multiple spectral images can be displayed simultaneously

6.Unique movement temperature monitoring technology ensures the safe and reliable operation of the X-ray source, secara efektif memperpanjang umur layanannya dan mengurangi biaya penggunaan.

R-350 rohs Analyzer rohs/elv Screening Halogen detection polybromobiphenyl detection
4. Sample configuration

Standard samples are used to make working curves

4.1 Sample Chamber

Open large sample cavity

4.2 Standard Sample

Eu standard sample E60K

Sterling silver sample

Detektor RoHS R-350 Detektor RoHS R-350

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