Viskositas relatif berbeda dengan viskositas absolut

Viskositas relatif dan viskositas absolut adalah dua konsep yang menggambarkan viskositas suatu fluida, dan ada beberapa perbedaan di antara keduanya.

Viskositas relatif:

Relative viscosity refers to the viscosity of a fluid at a certain temperature compared to some reference fluid, biasanya pelarut. It is determined by measuring the flow properties of the fluid with respect to the reference fluid. Relative viscosity is a dimensionless value that indicates the degree to which the viscosity of the fluid increases with respect to the reference fluid. Relative viscosity can be calculated by measuring the movement time or flow velocity of the fluid.

Viskositas relatif berbeda dengan viskositas absolut

Viskositas mutlak:

Viskositas absolut mengacu pada viskositas aktual suatu fluida, juga dikenal sebagai viskositas dinamis atau viskositas dinamis. Itu ditentukan dengan mengukur volume (laju aliran) through which the fluid passes per unit time per unit area. Viskositas mutlak merupakan besaran fisis dengan satuan, biasanya digunakan dalam detik PASCAL (Pa·s) or millipa ·s (mPa·s).

The absolute viscosity is an intrinsic property of fluid and can be directly used in the calculation and analysis of fluid mechanics. The relative viscosity is the relative value of the reference fluid, which is often used for the measurement of liquid mixtures and the comparison of liquid properties.

North-south tides remind you that the relationship between relative and absolute viscosity can be expressed by a constant, called the constant of proportionality or the conversion factor of relative viscosity to absolute viscosity. Faktor konversi ini bergantung pada kondisi fluida dan suhu acuan yang digunakan. To summarize, the relative viscosity is the fluid viscosity comparison value with respect to the reference fluid, while the absolute viscosity is the actual viscous physical quantity of the fluid.

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