Bagikan fungsi penguji tekukan tiga titik empat titik

Mesin ini bisa digunakan untuk karet, plastik, bahan busa, plastik, film, kemasan fleksibel, pipa, tekstil, serat, bahan nano, polymer materials, polymer materials, serat, composite materials, synthetic materials, packaging belt, kertas, kawat dan kabel, optical fiber and cable, kabel, safety belt, leather belt, alas kaki, tape, polimer, tembaga, spring steel, metal Wire, besi tahan karat, castings, copper pipes, logam non-besi, suku cadang mobil, alloy materials and other non-metallic materials and metal materials are tested for tensile, kompresi, pembengkokan, robek, 90° stripping, 180° stripping, mencukur, adhesive force, drawing force, elongation and elongation.
Bagikan fungsi penguji tekukan tiga titik empat titik

Three-point four-point bending tester function:
Equipped with special test control software and clamping device, it can test the performance of the lens, and automatically calculate the maximum test force value (minimum force value/average value), breaking force value, tensile and compressive strength, pemanjangan, peeling strength, peeling force and other parameters according to GB, DIA, ASTM, DM, ISO and other standards. The results are accurate, reliable and good repeatability. The data can be modified (GB8170), dan indeks kinerja mekanis seperti Fm, Rm, Rp, ReH, ReL, Ulang, A, Z, E dan deformasi beban, kurva tegangan-regangan dapat dicetak. Dilengkapi dengan kompresi tiga titik khusus, kompresi empat titik, cetakan anti lentur; Ini adalah peralatan yang ideal bagi perusahaan dan lembaga pengawas untuk mendeteksi perbedaan produk dan pengajaran serta penelitian lembaga penelitian ilmiah.

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