Uji kinerja dan metode uji mortar isolasi anorganik

Mortar isolasi anorganik adalah jenis baru bahan bangunan perlindungan lingkungan, terbuat dari semen, silikat, wollastonit, perlite and other inorganic materials. It has good thermal insulation performance, excellent durability and fire resistance, non-toxic and tasteless, no expansion, no cracking and other advantages. Inorganic thermal insulation mortar is widely used in the insulation and heat insulation of various building walls, especially for the insulation and heat insulation needs of high-rise buildings and special occasions.

Kinerja deteksi
Inorganic thermal insulation mortar is an important material used for building thermal insulation. The following is a detailed description of the performance parameters to be tested for inorganic insulation mortar, seperti terlihat pada tabel berikut:

Parameter kinerjaMetode tesStandar pemeriksaan
Kepadatan kepadatanDensitometer measurement
Thickness of thicknessCaliper measurementGB/T 19686-2005

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Heat conduction meter testGB/T 10295-2008
Strength of compressionExperiment of compression
Kekuatan keteganganTes kereganganGB/T 50081-2002
Perpanjangan saat putusTes kereganganGB/T 50081-2002
Frost resistance propertyFreeze-thaw cycle experimentGB/T 35164-2017
Strength of bondShearing test, stripping testGB/T 2790-2015

Uji kinerja dan metode uji mortar isolasi anorganik

Metode deteksi
Kepadatan: To detect the density of inorganic insulation mortar, it can be measured by densitometer. This parameter can be used to calculate its thermal conductivity and thermal insulation effect.

Ketebalan: The thickness of the inorganic insulation mortar is measured by calipers and other tools to ensure that the thickness meets the requirements.

Thermal conductivity: The thermal conductivity of the inorganic insulation mortar was tested using a thermal conductivity meter to evaluate its thermal insulation performance.

Kekuatan tekan: The compressive strength of the inorganic insulation mortar was tested using compression experiments to evaluate its anti-extrusion properties.

Uji kinerja dan metode uji mortar isolasi anorganik

Kekuatan tarik dan perpanjangan putus: Tensile experiments were used to test the tensile strength and elongation at break of inorganic insulation mortars to evaluate their tensile properties and ductility.

Frost resistance: Freeze-thaw cycle experiment was used to test the frost resistance of inorganic insulation mortar to evaluate its use effect in cold climate.

Kekuatan ikatan: Use shear test or peel test to test the bond strength of inorganic insulation mortar and wall to evaluate its bond ability and use effect.

We you: the above test methods are only some common methods, parameter kinerja yang berbeda mungkin memerlukan metode dan peralatan pengujian yang berbeda. Pada saat yang sama, untuk beberapa parameter kinerja, standar dan spesifikasi yang relevan juga harus diikuti, seperti GB/T (standar nasional), untuk memastikan keakuratan dan keandalan tes.

Uji kinerja dan metode uji mortar isolasi anorganik

There are also some issues to be aware of when testing:

Persiapan sampel: Sample preparation should be carried out in accordance with relevant standards or methods to ensure that the sample preparation process and conditions meet the requirements.

Experimental conditions: When performing various performance tests, experimental conditions, such as temperature, kelembaban, and pressure, need to be controlled to ensure the repeatability and accuracy of the experiments.

Akurasi tes: For some performance parameters, such as thermal conductivity, the test accuracy will be affected by many factors, such as sample preparation, experimental conditions, test equipment, dll.. It is necessary to pay attention to the control of these factors to improve the test accuracy.

Uji kinerja dan metode uji mortar isolasi anorganik

Data analysis: After the completion of each test, statistics and analysis of the test data are needed to determine the performance characteristics of the inorganic insulation mortar and evaluate its quality grade.

Untuk menyimpulkan, the performance testing of inorganic insulation mortar requires the use of different test methods and standards, dan untuk beberapa tes yang rumit, laboratorium atau teknisi profesional diperlukan. Perhatian harus diberikan pada masalah di atas selama pengujian untuk memastikan keakuratan dan keandalan hasil pengujian. Pada saat yang sama, when using inorganic insulation mortar, attention should also be paid to the operation according to the instructions to ensure better insulation effect and safety performance.

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