Karakteristik fungsional mesin tegangan elektronik

Mesin tarik elektronik, juga dikenal sebagai mesin uji tarik elektronik, terutama cocok untuk lembaran plastik, pipa, Profil, plastic film and rubber, kawat dan kabel, waterproof coil, wire and other materials of various physical and mechanical properties test, tensile machine used for metal materials and non-metallic materials tensile, kompresi, pembengkokan, pencukuran, stripping and other mechanical properties test for mechanical reinforcement. Sebagai bagian penting dari instrumen, different materials need different fixtures, which is also an important factor in whether the test can be carried out smoothly and the accuracy of the test results.

Electronic tensile machine has a wide and accurate loading speed and force measurement range, the load, deformation, displacement measurement and control of high accuracy and sensitivity, the series of models using a single space structure, test space in the space below, mainly suitable for test load less than 500KG metal, non-metallic material test, with stress, strain, displacement control mode, The maximum force, daya tarik, kekuatan lentur, kekuatan tekan, modulus elastis, perpanjangan saat putus, yield strength and other parameters can be calculated.
Widely used in wire and cable, perangkat keras, electronic appliances, packaging and printing, medical equipment, suku cadang mobil, textile leather, clothing and footwear, rubber and plastic products, perguruan tinggi dan universitas; Research laboratory; Commodity inspection arbitration, technical supervision departments and other industries, is the basic equipment for quality management, physical testing.

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