Analisi dei problemi comuni e metodi di calibrazione dell'incubatore sperimentale

An experimental incubator is a commonly used experimental equipment used to simulate a variety of experiments in a constant temperature environment, come la coltura cellulare, chemical reactions, eccetera. Here are some common problems you may encounter and calibration methods:

The temperature reading is inaccurate.

The temperature is unstable.

The device is not heated evenly.

The device does not work or stops working.

An error occurred in program operation.

Calibration method
Temperature calibration: Place the thermometer in the thermostat and set the thermostat to a known temperature. After waiting for some time, compare the thermometer reading with the temperature reading displayed in the incubator. If there is a difference, a calibration adjustment is required. Calibration can be done by adjusting the temperature calibration parameters in the controller.

Equipment uniformity calibration: Place several thermometers inside the thermostat and set the thermostat to a known temperature. After waiting for a period of time, compare the readings at each measurement point to see if they are consistent. If there is a difference, a uniformity calibration adjustment is required. This can be achieved by adjusting the working mode and position of the heating and fans, as well as adjusting the position of the items inside the incubator.

We remind you that the laboratory incubator needs to be calibrated and maintained regularly. Allo stesso tempo, è necessario pulire regolarmente l'interno dell'apparecchiatura, check the performance and condition of the heating, controllo, sensore e altre apparecchiature, e sostituire o riparare tempestivamente le parti difettose. Inoltre, si consiglia di mantenere il dispositivo secondo il manuale operativo e le linee guida di manutenzione fornite dal produttore per garantire un funzionamento stabile a lungo termine del dispositivo.

Analisi dei problemi comuni e metodi di calibrazione dell'incubatore sperimentale

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Analisi dei problemi comuni e metodi di calibrazione dell'incubatore sperimentale

Precauzioni per l'uso
In the process of using the experimental incubator, è inoltre necessario prestare attenzione ai seguenti punti:

Arrange the position of the sample to ensure that the sample can receive uniform temperature distribution.

Do not accumulate too much debris or samples inside the incubator to avoid affecting the operation of the equipment and the accuracy of the data.

Secondo le effettive necessità, the temperature range and accuracy of the incubator are reasonably selected to avoid inaccurate test data due to the mismatch of equipment parameters.

Before the test is performed, excellent preheating is performed to ensure that the equipment can reach the required temperature conditions.

Nel processo di utilizzo dell'attrezzatura, temperature changes and test data are recorded in time, ed analizzati ed elaborati in base alle esigenze.

In breve, the experimental incubator is a commonly used experimental equipment, but it is necessary to pay attention to the use and maintenance of the equipment during use to ensure the stability of the equipment and the accuracy of the test data.

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