

Mooney Viscometer is used for measuring viscosity and relaxation of base rubber, raw rubber stock or rubber mass prevulcanization properties, it is also used for measuring viscosity in Mooney value for compounded or uncompounded unvulcanized natural, synthetic or regenerated rubber.

This instrument has excellent performances including automatic calibration, higher stability. It can perform the following tests: viscosità, scorch and stress relaxation.

Norma di prova:

Accord with GB/T1232Rubber unvulcanized -Determination of mooney viscosity”,GB/T 1233 ”Gomma,unvulcanized-Determination of prevulcanization characteristics-Shearing disk method”,ISO289,ISO667ect.



Range of temperature control


From room temperature to 200°C
Temperature fluctuation in die ≤±0.1°C
Risoluzione della visualizzazione della temperatura 0.1°C
Rate of temperature increase25°C/min
Measurement range of torque 0-200 MV
Risoluzione della coppia 0.01MV
Frequency of rotor 2±0.02r/min
Temperature PID Control +/- 0.1°C
Upper & Lower Separate plate temperature control
Alimentazione elettrica 220 V ,1 Phase, 50 Hz


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