ISO 8504-3-318 “塗料および関連製品を塗布する前の鋼基材の準備 – 表面処理方法 – 一部 3: 手や電動工具を使った掃除”

ISO (国際標準化機構) 国家標準化団体の世界的な同盟です (ISO会員団体). 国際規格の開発は通常、ISO 技術委員会を通じて行われます。. 技術委員会が設立された主題に関心を持つ各加盟機関は、その委員会に代表される権利を有する。. ISO と連携する国際政府および非政府組織もこの作業に関与しています。. ISO は国際電気標準会議と緊密に連携しています。 (IEC) 電気技術の標準化に関するあらゆる事項について.

この文書の作成に使用される手順と、さらなるメンテナンスに使用される手順については、パートで説明されています。 1 ISO/IEC 指令の. 特に, ISO 文書の種類ごとに必要な承認基準が異なることに注意してください。. この文書はパートの編集ルールに従って作成されています。 2 ISO/IEC 指令の ( を参照してください。).

本書の内容によっては特許権の対象となる場合がありますのでご注意ください。. ISO は、そのような特許の一部またはすべてを特定する責任を負いません。. 文書の作成中に特定された特許権の詳細は、ISO が受領した特許請求の序論および/またはリストに記載されます。 (を参照してください。).


自主的, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific terminology and express the meaning of and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (未定) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, please see the

This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, 塗料とワニス, 分科会SC 12, Preparing steel substrates prior to application of paints and related products.

第 2 版はキャンセルされ、初版と置き換わりました (ISO 8504-3:1993), which had been technically revised.


Add rotary impact tools to power tool types;

Use assessment instead of inspection in article 6.

ISO 内のすべての部品のリスト 8504 シリーズは ISO Web サイトで見つけることができます.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO 8504-3-318 “塗料および関連製品を塗布する前の鋼基材の準備 – 表面処理方法 – 一部 3: 手や電動工具を使った掃除”

The properties of protective coatings applied to steel and related products are significantly affected by the state of the steel surface before coating. The main factors known to affect this performance include:

ある) There is corrosion and mill scale;

b) The presence of surface contaminants, 塩を含む, ほこり, オイルとグリス;

c) 表面形状.

ISO 8501 およびISO 8502 これらの要因を評価する方法を提供する準備ができています, ISO中 8504 スチール基板の洗浄に使用できる準備方法に関するガイダンスを提供します。, indicating the ability of each method to achieve specified levels of cleanliness.

These international standards do not contain recommendations for protective coating systems applied to steel surfaces. They also do not contain recommendations on surface quality requirements for specific cases, even though surface quality can directly influence the choice of protective coating to be applied and its properties. These recommendations are found in other documents such as national standards and codes of practice. Users of these international standards should ensure that the stipulated quality is:

Compatible with and applicable to the environmental conditions to which the steel will be exposed and the protective coating system to be used;

Within the capacity of the specified cleaning procedure.

The above three international standards cover the following aspects of steel substrate preparation:

— ISO 8501 (すべての部品) : 表面の清浄度の視覚的評価;

— ISO 8502 (すべての部品) : 表面清浄度評価試験;

— ISO 8504 (All Parts) : Surface treatment method


The main objective of the finish is to ensure the removal of harmful substances and to obtain a surface that allows satisfactory adhesion of the primer to the steel. It also helps reduce the amount of contaminants that cause corrosion.

This document describes how to clean hand and power tools. It should be read in conjunction with ISO 8504-1.

Hand and power tool cleaning is a surface treatment method that usually provides a lower surface cleanliness than that achieved by sandblasting. These methods in most cases require the use of multiple types of power tools when results similar to sandblasting cleaning are required, making the surface treatment complex and expensive. 油, grease and corrosion irritants such as chlorides and sulfates are usually not removed.

Power tool cleaning usually provides a better base for primer than hand tool cleaning, resulting in better paint performance.

Both hand and power tool cleaning are suitable surface treatments. Hand tool cleaning in particular requires the use of a primer with good surface wetting ability. Power tool cleaning is appropriate when a higher quality finish grade is required, sandblasting cleaning is not allowed or is not considered feasible by interested parties.

Representative photographic examples of St 2, セント 3, PSt 2, PSt 3, and PMa (ISOを参照 8501-1 およびISO 8501-2) for evaluation of some new and previously coated steel surfaces cleaned using hand or power tools. Since many different situations arise during surface preparation and these photographs are not always sufficient to describe specific instances, it is recommended that special photographs of treated reference areas acceptable to all parties be made as the basis for further surface preparation procedures.

ISO 8504-3-318 “塗料および関連製品を塗布する前の鋼基材の準備 – 表面処理方法 – 一部 3: 手や電動工具を使った掃除”

1 範囲
This document describes methods for cleaning steel substrates with hand and power tools prior to applying paint and related products. It is suitable for both new steel structures and previously coated steel surfaces that show areas of decomposition that require maintenance paint. It describes the equipment to use and the procedures to follow.

2 規範的参照

以下のファイルは、内容の一部またはすべてがこの文書の要件を構成するように本文中で参照されています。. 日付の付いた参照については, 引用のみのバージョンが適用されます. 日付のない参考文献については, リファレンスの最新バージョン (改訂も含めて) 当てはまる.

ISO 8501-1, Preparation of steel substrates prior to painting and related products – 表面の清浄度の視覚的評価 – 一部 1: Rust classes and preparation classes of uncoated steel substrates and steel substrates after the overall removal of prior coatings

ISO 8501-2, Preparation of steel substrates prior to painting and related products – 表面の清浄度の視覚的評価 – 一部 2: Preparation grade of previously coated steel substrates after local removal of prior coatings

3 用語と定義
この文書の目的のために, 次の用語と定義が適用されます.

3.1 Cleaning Hand Tools

A method of preparing steel substrates using hand tools without power assistance

注記 1: chipping mallet, hand scraper, hand wire brush, sandpaper, and plastic wool embedded with abrasive are usually used. Sometimes hand tool cleaning is done initially to remove relatively loose contaminants before using power tools.

3.2 Clean Power Tools

A method for preparing steel substrate using a power-assisted hand tool, but excluding shot blasting cleaning

注記 1: Rotary descaler, rotary wire brush, rotary impact tool, sander, sander, rotary abrasive coated paper wheel (turning wheel), abrasive grinder, plastic wool with embedded abrasive, chipping hammer and needle gun, driven by electric or pneumatic, or connected to remote or robotic equipment, are examples of equipment commonly used.

3.3 Water, solvent or chemical cleaning

Method of removing visible oil, グリース, dirt or processing lubricants and other soluble contaminants from steel surfaces

注記 1: For more details and cleaning methods, ISOを参照 12944-4:2017, 6.2.

3.4 Contaminated surfaces

A surface with substances that are harmful to the performance of the protective coating system

注記 1: Typical contaminants include slag, rust, laminate rust, mill scale, 油, グリース, flux and weld spatter, soluble iron corrosion products, and other soluble salts, including chloride and sulfate.

3.5 Cleaning Surfaces

A surface where contaminants have been removed to a specified or agreed surface cleanliness level

注記 1 Full details are provided in ISO 8501-1 およびISO 8501-2.

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