
OH-330 酸素水素分析計, Oxygen Purity Tester, Elemental Analyzer

リードするという決断はテクノロジーです, 安定した信頼できる品質. The new generation of oxygen and hydrogen analyzer breaks through the past with a new attitude. It not only has the advanced design of the whole machine integration and modularity, but also has high-precision and high-reliability parts, as well as reliable pulse electrode furnace, reliable and durable power supply, advanced and stable circuit system, reasonable layout and good air tightness gas circuit system, highly sensitive and high-precision detection system. Windows10オペレーティングシステムに基づいた強力な, 単純, practical analysis software, so as to bring you more cost-effective products. 詳細については, ご連絡ください.

OH-330 酸素水素分析計, Oxygen Purity Tester, Elemental Analyzer

分析要素Oxygen, 水素
分析材料鉄金属, 非鉄金属, ceramic materials, superconducting materials, semiconductor materials and other metallic non-metallic inorganic materials. Such as: 鋼鉄, 鉄, 銅, ジルコニウム, チタン, tantalum, niobium, rare earth, セラミックス, 硬質合金……
分析原理Inert melting method, infrared method to measure oxygen, thermal conductivity method to measure nitrogen, 水素
分析時間Usually, it ranges from 120 to 180s
分析範囲Oxygen: 0.00001% ~ 5.0% Other analysis ranges are optional

Hydrogen: 0.00001% に 0.25% Other analysis ranges are optional

分析精度Oxygen: 0.0001% or RSDS ≤1.0% to meet one of the two

Hydrogen: 0.00002% or RSDS ≤2.0%

バランス精度0.0001 g
Electrode furnace≤8kw
Maximum temperature> 3000 ℃
化学試薬過塩素酸マグネシウム, アルカリアスベスト, copper oxide, Schutz reagent
楽器の重量About 190Kg

OH-330 酸素水素分析計, Oxygen Purity Tester, Elemental Analyzer

リードするという決断はテクノロジーです, 安定した信頼できる品質. The new generation of oxygen and hydrogen analyzer breaks through the past with a new attitude. It not only has the advanced design of the whole machine integration and modularity, but also has high-precision and high-reliability parts, as well as reliable pulse electrode furnace, reliable and durable power supply, advanced and stable circuit system, reasonable layout and good air tightness gas circuit system, highly sensitive and high-precision detection system. Windows10オペレーティングシステムに基づいた強力な, 単純, practical analysis software, so as to bring you more cost-effective products. 詳細については, ご連絡ください.

OH-330 酸素水素分析計
