
Cone test finger

제품 세부 정보

This probe conforms to the standard requirement of UL1278 Fig 10.1. The handle is made of nylon while the probe is made of stainless steel.

The shape and size of an opening are such that a test gauge in the form of a right-circular cone having a base diameter of 2-3/4 신장 (69.9 mm) and an altitude of 5-1/2 신장 (139.7mm), 그림 참조 10.1, is prevented from touching the heating element and the other high temperature parts when the cone probe is inserted.

Cone test finger


UL test finger Probe are used for precision machinery products, please take and put down gently, and safe keeping Test probe is precision stainless steel products, please use of gently and pay attention to maintenance

기준UL1278 Fig 10.1

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