

This instrument is used to determine the lubricating oil, 유압 오일, steam turbine oil, other oils and fats in the moisture content of metal corrosion, do the copper, silver sheets and liquid rust test.
기준: GB/T5096 GB/T11143-2008
악기 특징:
Color LCD touch screen; Chinese user interface;
The Chinese operation wizard-style menu; respectively stirring, 각기, from time to time;
Using a variety of parameters such as clock prompts; stainless steel bath bodies;
기술적인 매개변수:
측정 범위: room temperature ~ 100 ℃
Arbitrary set regular time: 0-99 시간
측정 정확도: ± 0.01 ℃
Test empty: 3
Mixing Power: 100여
전원 전압: AC220V ± 1
빈도: 50Hz ± 5%

The use of the environment: ambient temperature 10 에게 30 ℃ (상대습도) is less than 80% RH

치수: 740mm * 310mm * 560mm
무게: 26킬로그램

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