ASTM D3451-06-2017 “Testen van poedercoatings en poedercoatings”

Betekenis en gebruik
4.1 This guide provides a useful summary of procedures for selecting and using test paint powders and powder coatings. It is suitable for thermoplastic and thermosetting coatings unless otherwise stated. By design, this guide is not intended to address test methods or procedures developed specifically for the functional powder coating market, d.w.z., those powder coatings for pipes or reinforced steel bars (rebar). Information on current testing procedures for pipe and reinforced steel coating powders and powder coatings is available through their respective ASTM subcommittees A01.05 and D01.48.

4.2 Choosing the method to follow and the interpretation of the results will need to depend on the experience and requirements of each case, as well as the agreement between the buyer and the seller. It should be noted that many of the methods used to characterize paint powders, such as gel time (section 16) and inclined flow (Section 17), are primarily used for the relative comparison of two paint powders rather than giving test values that can be interpreted as good or bad. Interpretation of test results will depend on the specific application in question and often also on the chemical properties of the paint powder used.

ASTM D3451-06-2017 “Testen van poedercoatings en poedercoatings”

1.1 This guide covers the selection and use of procedures for testing paint powders and powder coatings. Tafel 1 lists the included test methods. If more than one test method is listed for the same feature, no attempt is made to show that one method is superior to the other. Choosing the method to follow needs to depend on the experience and requirements of each case, as well as the agreement between the buyer and the seller.

1.2 This guide also references methods developed specifically for the coating powder industry by the Powder Coatings Council (PCI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).

1.3 This guide describes the testing of paint powders by electrostatic spraying, fluidized bed or any other applicable method.

1.4 Waarden uitgedrukt in SI-eenheden worden behandeld als standaardwaarden. In deze standaard zijn geen andere meeteenheden opgenomen.

1.5 Deze standaard is niet bedoeld om iedereen te behandelen, indien aanwezig, veiligheidsproblemen die verband houden met het gebruik ervan. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van gebruikers van deze norm om passende veiligheids- en gezondheidspraktijken vast te stellen en voorafgaand aan gebruik de toepasbaarheid van wettelijke beperkingen te bepalen..

1.6 Deze internationale norm is gebaseerd op de internationaal erkende standaardisatieprincipes die zijn vastgelegd in het Besluit over de beginselen voor de ontwikkeling van internationale normen, Richtlijnen en aanbevelingen uitgegeven door het WTO-comité voor technische handelsbelemmeringen.

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