ISO 4630-2015 “Szacowanie koloru według skali kolorów Gardnera”

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ISO 4630 Developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Farby i lakiery, Podkomisja SC 10, Methods for Testing Paint and Varnishes Adhesives, in collaboration with ASTM D 01.34, Navy Shop. It has been harmonized with ASTM D 1544-04, Standardowa metoda badania koloru przezroczystych cieczy (Gardner Color Scale), and ASTM D 6166-12, Standard Test Method for Color of Naval Warehouses and Associated Products (Gardner Instrumental Determination of Color).

ISO 4630-2015 “Szacowanie koloru według skali kolorów Gardnera”

The third edition of ISO 4630 cancels and replaces the technically revised versions of ISO 4630-1:2004 i ISO 4630-2:2004. Główne zmiany to:

A) The two standards have been merged into one standard;

B) Spectrophotometry (previously described in ISO 4630-2:2004) is currently the only standardized method;

C) The visual comparison of the original colour (previously described in ISO 4630-1:2004) has been removed and the manufacturing instructions for the original Gardner colour standard have been moved to Appendix A.

1 zakres
This international standard specifies a method for estimating the color of optically transparent, yellow/brown liquid products by Gardner color scale using a color measuring instrument. The method uses the Gardner color scale described in Appendix A.

Suitable for fatty acids, polymeric fatty acids, resins, tual oils, tual oils, tual fatty acids, rosin and related products of drying oils, varnishes and solutions. If other products are tested, the results may not be valid.

The method described provides a more accurate measurement of Gardner’s color than visual sample comparisons using the human eye. It is suitable for products in color from Gardner 1 to Gardner 18. The Gardner scale does not apply to products darker than 18. For products lighter in color than Gardner 1, the method specified in ISO 6271 ma zastosowanie.

2 Odniesienia normatywne
The following documents referenced in whole or in part are usually referenced in this document and are required for their application. Dla przestarzałych odniesień, obowiązują wersje zawierające wyłącznie cytaty. Dla niedatowanych odniesień, najnowsza wersja odniesienia (włączając wszelkie poprawki) ma zastosowanie.

ISO 3696, Analityczna woda laboratoryjna – specyfikacje i metody testowania

ISO 5725-2, Dokładność (accuracy and precision) metod pomiarowych i wyników – Część 2: Basic method for determining repeatability and reproducibility of standard measurement methods

ISO 13632, binders for paints and varnishesRosinSampling and sample preparation for colour measurement

ISO 15528, Malatura, lakiery i surowce do farb i lakierów — Próbowanie

CIE Publication No. 15:20004, Colorimetry

Tylko standardowa sekcja informacyjna jest publiczna. Aby zobaczyć pełną treść, musisz kupić standard za pośrednictwem oficjalnych kanałów.

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