Key properties and testing methods of polyurethane waterproof coatings

Polyurethane waterproof coating is a kind of polyurethane resin as the main component, adding a variety of fillers, diluents and other substances made of waterproof coating, has excellent weather resistance, odporność na zużycie, corrosion resistance and chemical resistance. Polyurethane waterproof coating is widely used in building roof, basement, ground, pool, storage tank and other waterproof engineering and railway, highway, bridge, tunnel and other transportation infrastructure waterproof and anti-corrosion field.

Test performance and instrumentation
The following are the key properties of polyurethane waterproof coating to be tested and the instruments and equipment to be used:

Key properties and testing methods of polyurethane waterproof coatings

Performance factor instrumentation

Współczynnik wydajnościInstrument i wyposażenie
Construction performanceConstruction performance testing equipment
Odporność na czynniki atmosferyczneKomora do badania promieniowania widmowego, Komora do badania starzenia lampy ksenonowej
WodoodpornośćKomora do badania promieniowania widmowego, Komora do badania starzenia lampy ksenonowej
Siła wiązaniaGrid testing machine, stripping testing machine
Impact resistanceImpact testing machine
Odporność na zużycieMaszyna do testowania zużycia
Kolor i połyskMiernik różnicy kolorów, miernik połysku

Key properties and testing methods of polyurethane waterproof coatings

Procedura metody detekcji
The following is the performance of polyurethane waterproof coating to be tested and its testing steps:

Construction performance: Use construction performance testing equipment to test the fluidity, brushability, drying time and other construction performance of the coating, i zapisz wyniki testu.

Odporność na warunki atmosferyczne: Sprawdź odporność powłoki na warunki atmosferyczne za pomocą komory starzenia lampy ksenonowej lub komory promieniowania spektralnego, i zapisz wyniki testu.

Wodoodporność: Use water penetration test equipment and soaking test equipment to test the water resistance of the coating, i zapisz wyniki testu.

Siła wiązania: The coating adhesion to the substrate was tested using the delimiting tester and the stripping tester, and the test results were recorded.

Impact resistance: The impact testing machine is used to test the impact resistance of the coating, and the test results are recorded.

Odporność na zużycie: Wear testing machine is used to test the wear resistance of the coating, and the test results are recorded.

Kolor i połysk: Wykonaj test za pomocą miernika różnicy kolorów i miernika połysku przy standardowym źródle światła i zapisz wyniki testu.

For some special coatings, it may be necessary to use other instruments and equipment for testing, and the specific operation steps will be different.

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