What is coated paper and what performance should be tested?

Coated paper is a high quality printing paper known for its high quality surface finish and printing effect. It is usually used for the printing of high-quality books, czasopisma, albumy ze zdjęciami, greeting cards and other cultural publications, as well as high-end packaging, business cards and so on. In the manufacturing process of coated paper, a coating process is usually used to coat the surface of high whiteness paper with a layer of adhesive and white filler, so as to obtain a smooth surface and printing effect.

What is coated paper and what performance should be tested?

The detection of coated paper needs to pay attention to the following main properties:

Grubość i gęstość: the thickness and density of coated paper will directly affect its stability and printing effect. The thickness and density can be measured by measuring paper thickness, density and base weight.

Gładkość: Coated paper needs to have a very smooth surface to ensure clarity and detail of text and images. Badanie gładkości można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar gładkości powierzchni papieru, wysokość pióra i korona talerzowa oraz inne wskaźniki.

Biel: Coated paper needs to have a certain whiteness to ensure the color restoration and contrast of the printed text and image. Wykrywanie bieli można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar barwy i różnicy barw światła odbitego przez papier.

Połysk: Coated paper needs to have a certain gloss to enhance the visual effect of the print. Wykrywanie połysku można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar współczynnika odbicia powierzchni papieru.

Wytrzymałość: Coated paper needs to be strong enough to withstand the tension and pressure in the printing process. Badanie wytrzymałości można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar wytrzymałości na rozciąganie, wytrzymałość na rozdarcie i wytrzymałość na ściskanie papieru.

Wydajność drukowania: coated paper needs to have certain printing performance to ensure the printing quality of printed matter. Wykrywanie wydajności drukowania można przeprowadzić poprzez pomiar absorpcji wody przez papier, wchłanianie oleju, klarowność druku, redukcja koloru i odporność na zanieczyszczenia drukarskie.

Ochrona środowiska: coated paper needs to meet environmental standards, nie zawiera szkodliwych substancji, brak zanieczyszczeń dla środowiska. Environmental protection can be tested by measuring paper volatile organic compounds, metale ciężkie, chloride ions and fluorescence

Light brightening agent and other indicators to carry out.

Siła spoiwa: The surface of coated paper is coated with a layer of adhesive and white filler, so its bonding strength also needs to be tested to ensure that the filler on the surface of the paper is not easy to fall off. The adhesion strength can be measured by measuring the peeling strength, cutting strength and ring compression strength of the paper.

Copper coating: copperplate paper is characterized by its surface through a layer of copper and polishing treatment, in order to obtain a good gloss and smoothness, so the quality and uniformity of copperplate paper coating also need to be tested. The detection methods include thickness measurement, surface quality detection and microstructure analysis.

The above performance indicators are the key content of coated paper testing. Różne wymagania i standardy użytkowania będą miały również wpływ na standardy i metody testowania papieru.

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