ISO 9038-2021 Testes de inflamabilidade com atraso de líquidos

ISO (Organização Internacional para Padronização) é uma aliança global de organismos nacionais de normalização (Órgãos membros da ISO). O desenvolvimento de padrões internacionais é geralmente realizado através de comitês técnicos ISO. Cada instituição membro interessada em um assunto sobre o qual tenha sido estabelecido um comitê técnico tem o direito de ser representada nesse comitê. Organizações internacionais governamentais e não governamentais em ligação com a ISO também estão envolvidas neste trabalho. A ISO trabalha em estreita colaboração com a Comissão Eletrotécnica Internacional (CEI) em todos os assuntos de padronização eletrotécnica.

Os procedimentos utilizados para desenvolver este documento e aqueles utilizados para manutenção adicional estão descritos na Parte 1 da Diretiva ISO/IEC. Em particular, observe os diferentes padrões de aprovação exigidos para diferentes tipos de documentos ISO. Este documento foi elaborado de acordo com as regras de edição da Parte 2 da Diretiva ISO/IEC (veja

Observe que determinados conteúdos deste documento podem estar sujeitos a direitos de patente. A ISO não é responsável por identificar nenhuma ou todas essas patentes. Details of any patent rights identified during the documentation development process will be in the ISO list of the introduction and/or patent claims received (veja

Quaisquer nomes comerciais usados ​​neste documento são informações fornecidas para a conveniência do usuário e não constituem um endosso.

Voluntary, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (TBT) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, please refer to the

This document has been prepared by the Technical Committee ISO/TC 28, Petroleum and related Products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources, in cooperation with the Technical Committee CEN/TC 139, Paints and varnishes of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), in accordance with the Technical Cooperation Agreement between ISO and CEN (Acordo de Viena).

The third edition cancelled and replaced the technically revised second edition (ISO 9038:2013).

The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

The test method conforms to the requirements of UN test L.2[1][2]. Special:

Specifies the requirement for triplicate testing rather than duplicate testing;

Standard test temperature has been changed to 60,5 °C;

The standard for sustained combustion was revised.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO 9038-2021 Testes de inflamabilidade com atraso de líquidos

Products with flash points within a given range may continue to burn after initial ignition, while similar products will not continue to burn despite having similar flash points. This document describes a method for distinguishing between products that sustain combustion and those that do not.

This method determines whether the flammable product produces enough flammable vapor to cause ignition while held at the selected test temperature, and then continues to produce enough vapor to burn when the ignition source moves to theoffposition.

The test method does not determine the flash point of the product under test, but only determines whether it remains burning at the selected test temperature through the test procedure; The standard may be required to comply with laws or regulations relating to the storage, transportation and use of flammable products. Prior to performing this test, the actual flash point of the material is usually determined or the temperature range in which the flash point is located is known for safety and test optimization reasons.

The device specified in this document is able to determine the results by using the quick procedure in the small Test section (2ml).

Caution The use of this document may involve hazardous materials, operations, e equipamento. This document is not intended to address all security concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and health of personnel before applying this document and to determine whether any other restrictions apply for this purpose.

1 faixa
This document sets out procedures for determining at temperatures up to 100°C whether liquid products classified asflammablebecause of their flash point continue to burn at the temperatures specified in the regulations.

Note that many national and international regulations classify liquids as flammable hazards based on their flash point, as determined by accepted methods. Some of these regulations allow forsustained combustionof substances at certain temperatures.

This procedure applies to paints (including water-based paints), vernizes, paint adhesives, solvents, petroleum or related products and adhesives that have flash points. It is not suitable for painted surfaces whose potential fire hazards are assessed.

In addition to the flash point test method, this test method is also suitable for assessing the fire risk of products.

ISO 9038-2021 Testes de inflamabilidade com atraso de líquidos

2 referências normativas
Os arquivos a seguir são referenciados no texto de forma que parte ou todo o conteúdo constitua os requisitos deste documento. Para referências datadas, versões somente para citações se aplicam. Para referências sem data, a nova versão da referência (incluindo quaisquer revisões) aplica-se.

ISO 1513, Tintas e vernizes – Exame e preparação de amostras de teste

ISO 3170, petroleum liquidsManual sampling

ISO 3171, Petroleum liquidsAutomatic pipeline sampling

ISO 15528, Tintas, vernizes e matérias-primas para tintas e vernizes – Amostragem

3 Termos e definições

Para efeitos deste documento, os seguintes termos e definições se aplicam.

ISO e IEC mantêm bancos de dados de termos para padronização nos seguintes endereços:

– Plataforma de navegação on-line ISO:

— Enciclopédia Eletrônica IEC: disponível em

3.1 Continuous flammability
The behavior of a material under specified test conditions in which its vapor can be ignited by an ignition source and, after ignition, produce enough flammable vapor to continue burning for at least 15 seconds after the ignition source is removed

3.2 Flash Point
A temperatura mínima da seção de teste, adjusted for a change in atmospheric pressure of 101,3 kPa, at which the application of an ignition source will cause the steam in the test section to ignite and the flame to spread across the liquid surface under the specified test conditions

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